e-Governance : a Myth or a Reality

The word ‘governance’ is as old as the existence of societies in the civilized world. Usually, people relate governance with management or administration of masses in a society. This management exercise happens in such a manner that all the things happen in a smooth manner and all the systems are in place & resources are utilized efficiently manage all the affairs of state in a judicious manner.
Till recently, the traditional form of governance was going very well until the volume and scale of work necessitated incorporating some kind of innovation in way governance was being carried on in the society by the respective governments. Here, it is very important to understand that a complete 360 turn-around was required to change the processes and systems in-place so that governance could get new shape and fresh perspective.
e-Governance Myths
Initially, it was felt that e-Governance is simply switch over to automated systems or in plain words, it is simply computerization of the erstwhile manually-fed data and the replacement of traditional typewriters with higher version boxes, known as Personal Computers (PCs). So, just like replacing traditional postal mail with e-mail, e-Governance is also replacement of traditional governance with ‘e’ or electronic tools of governance. I can bet that even the highest of the higher levels or even top of bureaucracy also initially understood e-Governance model of administration like this. That’s why, it took lot of time for top administrations & managements to get acclimatized to this new buzz word e-Governance before it could be taken up at a wide scale manner across the board in Central Government departments and various state Governments.
e-Governance Movement
The built-up in India towards adoption of various e-Governance models across the board started from few progressive and highly competitive states like Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka wherein a strong political will and vision were exhibited by the leaders who virtually sacrificed their future political careers in making e-Governance a reality. No wild guesses required : Chanderbabu Naidu, the then CM of AP was one of the prime founders of this movement in nation, beginning with converting Hyderabad into Cyberabad, adoption of various e-Governance models to improve the systems of governance in Andhra Pradesh. Such initiatives, no doubt, improved systems performance, deliverance and governance but it also led to nearly vanishing his role from state and/or national political scenario.
e-Governance Meaning
e-Governance, in itself, is a way of doing things in a more efficient and effective manner with the usage of automation tools and technologies such as computers, mobiles, biometrics, sensors, information & communication tools, etc. It helps in improving internal efficiency, reducing costs, increasing revenues, re-structuring of administrative processes and improving quality of services, speedy and efficient delivery of public services, ushering transparency and accountability, empowering people through dissemination of information, improve interface with citizens, business and industry and many other similar win-win prepositions for masses as well as Governments.
e-Governance with the usage of Information and Communications Technology tools is the basis of provision of Simple, Moral, Accountable, Responsive and Transparent (SMART) Governance. This is one of the simplistic models of innovation which has taken governance to the doorstep of a common citizen. Even Albert Einstein, one of the greatest inventors of all times had once said “You can’t solve a problem on the same level that was created. You have to rise above it to the next level. This is possible through innovation…”
e-Governance and IT/Automation
Let’s make an honest attempt to understand and differentiate clearly between IT/Automation and e-Governance before moving further. On many forums, it has been clarified that replacement of typewriters or manual functioning by PCs or Printers or Automation Machines is just a small subset of e-Governance model. Rather, e-Governance is a macro phenomenon which involves not only changes in the systems of functioning but it involves a 360 degree change or complete overhauling in the psychology of people either on the giving or receiving ends.
It really hurts when people casually interchange the word e-Governance with IT/Automation as the vastness or ambit of e-Governance is like the Universe but the people very conveniently use the word Planet or Star to represent whole universe which is totally unjustified and sounds like sheer ignorance from the reality. One must understand that e-Governance is the ability to transform relations with citizens, businesses and other arms of Government with the usage of information technologies like Wide Area Networks (WANs), the Internet, Mobile Computing or similar means of communication.
e-Governance & Traditional Governance
How e-Governance is different from traditional Governance can be gauged from the fact that the later hinges upon the public approaching the Government institutions and authorities for availing all kinds of services whereas the former hinges upon provision of the same services to a common citizen at the click of a button (be it mouse of a PC/Laptop or a mobile device). It seems bit difficult to understand and digest what has been expressed here but definitely, the ultimate target or motto of e-Governance is the same i.e., provision of power of availing a public service in the hands of a common citizen rather than letting the same remain in the hands of Sarkari Babus who have become focal points of exploitation and corruption due to this power in their hands for so many years since Independence.
Just like vanishing Inspector Raj in the nation was an uphill task in 60s and 70s, similarly, taking people from an era of traditional governance to an era of e-Governance is even more challenging, as herein, the role of change agents and government functionaries is not only required alongwith usage of ICT tools and Government Process Re-engineering (GPR) but the level of awareness, education, knowledge and confidence-building through regular practice is a must for common citizen as the mission e-Governance can never become a success or reality with equal involvement of public in general for the same.
e-Governance & Systems Improvement
Systems improvement is not that big a challenge in today’s advance stage of ICT which each nation is going through but what is more challenging is the adaptability skills in a common citizen along with acceptability towards such changes. All fears and biases relating to inability to cope with the new systems in place should be negated and it must be understood that e-Governance will usher a new era of simplified systems and provision of services, making or receiving the payments through automated systems, all certificates and documents retrieval at the click of a button or at the doorsteps of a common citizen, etc.
We all must extend our total support and willingness towards implementation of e-Governance reforms in the nation and each state. The best thing relating to it is that the Governments whether Central or various state governments, across the board have understood the importance and relevance of e-Governance and National e-Governance Plan (NeGP) is being implemented in a phased manner through various Mission Mode Projects (MMPs) in both Central and State Government departments.
e-Gov: A Reality & Concluding Remarks
Finally, I would close with the words that e-Governance is no longer a myth but it has been a virtual reality which requires acceptance of all stakeholders, both on the Government side as well as general masses. The more we delay it or keep ourselves away from it, the more we are taking ourselves in reversal gear towards dark ages. With the volume of Government business multiplying at the rate of naught and the expansion in the role of public services basket, this is an inevitable thing and we all must work in unison towards implementation of various e-Governance models such as e-District, e-Panchayats, e-PRC, e-PDS, Computerization of Land Records, etc.
In the subsequent articles, I shall be throwing more light on different facets and models of e-Governance and the various benefits of e-Governance and I shall be explaining about various tools of simplification which a common citizen can use through it.
(The author is an e-Governance Expert of J&K Government who recently specialized through Post-Graduation in e-Governance at IIM Indore and presently working as Special Secretary to Government, Animal/Sheep Husbandry Department, Civil Secretariat, J&K.)