e-Panchayat mission

Many states in the country have taken to e-Panchayat Mission Mode Project that addresses almost all aspects of Panchayats functioning from internal core functions such as planning, monitoring, implementation, budgeting, accounting, social audit etc to citizen service delivery like issue of various certificates, licenses etc, Again it is our State that has not taken any step towards shifting to e-Panchayat mission. Therefore, we are not able to provide such facilities to our Panhayats as would really help in realizing the purpose for which so much labour has been put in. Transformation of governance yield many benefits as has been witnessed in the case of those state that have pressed it into service. By not infusing activity and delivery urge in our Panchayat, these are likely to become victims of the perfidy of people with vested interests. The Union Ministry has expressed concern over delay in formulation of e-Government Perspective Plan for the Panchayats in Jammu and Kashmir and, therefore, has stressed that such a plan shall be prepared and forwarded to the Ministry for appraisal. Preparing and implementing the Perspective Plan will also be one of the performance conditions under Rajiv Gandhi Panchayat Sashaktikaran Abhiyan.