ECHS needs improvement

With reference to article published in your esteemed daily dated 21 June, 2013; I would like to congratulate the author for highlighting the problems faced by ex servicemen in ECHS. He has rightly pointed out and classified the problems in two categories i.e. ground level problems and macro level problems. The author has suggested the solutions with reference to some study report. As far as ground level problems are concerned, ex servicemen are living at the preponderance of their luck for medical treatment and reimbursement of the bills.
It becomes much expensive when one has to travel to an empanelled hospital at a distant place. The reimbursement procedure and modalities adopted in this regard are full of gaps and irregularities. It may cause extra expenditure to the State if procedure is not implemented in letter and spirit. It would be much better if the scheme is suspended in its present form and ex servicemen are provided medical treatment in military hospitals like combatants.
Yours etc….
A N Kerni,
Housing Colony,