Economic potential of Pir Panjal region

Dr Y P Sharma
Jammu and Kashmir is blessed with rich natural resources with its towering snow- clad mountains, green meadows, placid lakes and lush green forests. The State has also been endowed with rich resources, forests, herbal plants and minerals. Tourism and agro- based activities are the mainstay of the economy and offer tremendous investment potential.
The Pir Panjal Range is situated principally in the Southeast of the state of Jammu & Kashmir. It extends for more than 200 miles (320 km) from the Nilam (Kishanganga) River in western occupied Kashmir area (administered by Pakistan), through southwestern Jammu & Kashmir state ( administered by India) to the Beas River in Northwest Himachal Pradesh state , India. Rising sharply to an average elevation of more than 13000 feet (4,000 meters), it separates Jammu Hills to the south from the Vale of Kashmir beyond which lie Great Himalayas. The major passes through the range include the Pir Panjal( 11,462 feet) [ 3,494 meters] and Banihal (8,985 feet) [2,739 meters]. A highway tunnel near Banihal Pass makes the Vale of Kashmir accessible to traffic from the south, even in winter. The mountains extending to the north of the Nilam River in Pakistan are sometimes considered part of the range.
The agro- climatic conditions of the Pir Panjal offer a great potential for growing a variety of fruits, such as apple, almond, cherry, apricot, citrus, etc.  The region offers workforce for delicate handicraft items, ethnic products including embroidery, wood carving, fur and leather, woodwork, willow and grass work, nomad crafts, ornaments, painting, stone craft, metal work, pottery, etc.
The breathtaking beauty of the region and its climate which is favourable for growing a wide variety of fruits and flowers make Pir Panjal an attractive destination for tourism and agro- based industries, especially horticulture and floriculture. The area has a significant mineral resource base especially limestone, a key ingredient for the cement industry. Some of the focus areas of the State Government include food processing and agro- based industries, auto- ancillaries, precision- engineering, mineral exploration, eco- tourism, etc. The natural resources coupled with fiscal incentives and the focus of the State Government on improving industrial infrastructure, augmenting power generation and skill development make Pir Panjal region an attractive investment destination.
The  challenges of climate change and global warming continuously threaten the world community. The Government of Jammu & Kashmir has taken note of the growing recognition of impact climate change at the local, national and global levels. The Government recognizes the urgent need to tackle challenges that arise on account of these impacts through integrated policy prescriptions and programmes aimed at mitigation of impacts and adaptation to reduce vulnerability of systems . The Government is also cognizant of the cross- cutting nature of impacts with enormous cost implications for tackling them and that these costs could escalate if preventive action is not taken immediately.
Key Features / Benefits of Policy Could Be:
* Promoting generation of green and clean power in the Pir Panjal region using solar energy
* To put in place an appropriate investment climate that could leverage Clean Development Mechanism (CDM)                                                                        * Productive use of wastelands thereby fostering a socio-economic transformation
* Employment generation and skill enhancement of local youth.
* Promotion of Research & Development (R & D) and facilitation of technology transfer
* Establishment of core technical competence in professionals in the area to initiate and sustain use of effective management of newer energy applications.
* Creation of environmental consciousness among people of the region
The State Government is aware of the enormous potential of Information Technology (IT ) in economic development of the state. This policy can facilitate the creation of a sound IT production base in Pir Panjal region through conscious efforts and policy initiatives.
Key Features Could Be:
* Use IT effectively in areas especially where the state has competitive advantage.
* Encourage the use of Information Technology in schools, colleges and other educational institutions so as to enable student community to improve their skills, knowledge and job prospects.
* Accelerate the investment and growth in IT hardware, software, Internet, training, IT enabled services, telecom, e- commerce and related sectors in the region.
* Use of IT for heralding e- Tourism in the area
* Bringing the specialized treatment to the remotest area through telemedicine.
* Utilize the power of IT in overall goal of improving health care ; empowering women , rural and tribal communities , as well as , economically weaker sections of the society in the region .
The S W O T (strength, weaknesses, opportunities and threats) analysis of the Pir Panjal region enables us to suggest the candidate industries suitable and viable in the area. The pace of economic development of the region has been limited. The economic development has been characterized by much dependence on primary sector (agriculture) for subsistence and general absence of other major economic activities. Any systematic effort towards economic development of the area should, therefore, aim at reducing excessive dependence on agriculture by developing other economic sectors simultaneously.
Following units on the basis of natural resources available in the region are suggested:-
Mineral Pulverization– Gypsum ; Plaster of Paris ; Gypsum Board ; Chalk Crayons ; Hollow Blocks ; Granite Slabs ; Roofing Slates ; Stone Crushers ; Pencil , Pencil Slate ; Cedar Wood Oil ; Chip Boards ; Activated Carbon ; Wooden Joinery; Wooden Electrical Accessories ; Manufacture of Hand- looms & Accessories; Walnut Bleaching & Processing ; Jams , Squashes & Pickles ; Leather Tanning ; Wool Carding and Spinning ; Herbal Medicines ; Coal Briquettes ; Detergent Powder ; Aluminium Utensils ; Hosiery Knitting / Readymade Garments ; Wire Nails ; Chain Link Fencing & Barbed Wire and Hotel ( Economy Type ), etc.
Further, for entrepreneurship development in the region following is suggested:-
The State Government with the financial support from the Central Government and international organizations like UNDP and Asian Development Bank needs to establish Entrepreneurship Institute for the development of young entrepreneurs. The educational system should be restructured in such a manner that the youth should prepare themselves for self- employment rather than thinking of joining Government service. Government and NGOs may provide institutional support system to fructify the plan for entrepreneurial growth by solving the problems of finance, marketing and Research and Development which more often dissuade the people to plunge into industrial activity.
(The author is Head of the Department of Commerce Govt. Post Graduate College Rajouri)