Education for personality development

Arun Kumar Gupta
Man-making, or making human a human, is the main part of Vedic religion. There is a deep connection between education and values in our lives. When a child is born, many types of sanskars are present in his soul according to the deeds of the previous births. On getting good education, his mind becomes pure. If this does not happen, then his mind becomes more dirty, so it is necessary that special attention should be paid to the proper education of the child. The mother lays the foundation stone of the child in her womb. The kind of rituals she will give to the pregnant child, so will he become in future.
At the same time, sanskar will become his main nature or tendency and will continue to operate till his life. For example- the way Mother Earth makes gold, iron, coal, diamond etc. in her womb, no scientist in the world can change its original quality. In the same way, the child in the womb of the mother will give sattvik, rajasik and tamasik nature then no Acharya, Guru, can change it. Yes it can increase. What a pregnant mother eats, drinks, thinks, sees and hears – all of them have an impact on the child in the womb of the mother. In fact, this time is an important time in the making of a human being, which depends only on the behavior of the mother.
After birth, the mother is actually the first teacher of the child till the age of five years. These five years are also very important from the point of view of mother who’s making the career of her children to develop their personality. How the child behaves while sitting, it all depends on the mother. If the mother is well educated, she guides the child on the right path in these five years itself. At this age, no one can create a child except the mother. A mother has deep love for her child in her heart. No matter how black, ugly, crippled the child may be, there is no limit to the love in the mother’s heart for him. Nowadays, the parents who leave the child at this age to the servants-household workers etc. and engage themselves in other works or go on outings themselves spoil the life of the child. In Vedic religion, the most important work of mother was the creation of children as by doing this, both their own and the nation’s welfare was done.
Vedic religion has taught the basics of making a human through the laws of sixteen sacrament mentioned in Sanskar Vidhi written by Maharishi Dayanand Saraswati ji which are depicted from the conception to funeral of the human beings which is spread over their entire age. These rituals are helpful in making a human being human.
Thinkers believe that whatever good or bad parents do, it affects the child’s mind and brain. We should give education to the child very carefully, so that he can grow up to become a virtuous, citizen. It would be better, if we do not behave in such a way in front of small children, as a result of which bad values arise in their mind! The effect of rituals is very strong. If not taken care of, then only one bad culture can become the reason for our downfall. Why is there so much hatred, jealousy, and violence in the world today? The root cause of this is culture. Human beings are inclined towards good and bad path only by the sacraments.
Our rishis, maharishis and sages have told us to remain true to our sanskars. As our thoughts will be, so will our destiny be built, we have to try that our values are good, so that our future is bright, history tells that many great men were successful in life by the grace of their parents and teachers.
Ramanand Shastri, Arvindan and Shiv Prakashan, all three were from Brahmin families. Ramanand Shastri was the son of Lakshmana Shastri, the biggest priest of Rameswaram temple. None of the children ever discriminated against each other because of different religions, upbringing and education. Did not feel when he was in the fifth grade in the primary school of Rameshwaram. Then one day a new teacher came to his class. He used to wear cap, in class and always used to sit in the front row with Ramanand Shastri wearing Janeu. The new teacher did not like a Hindu boy sitting with a Muslim boy. He picked him up and asked me to go to the back bench. He felt very bad, Ramanand Shastri also felt very bad. After the school break, we went home and narrated the whole incident to our parents. Hearing this, Laxman Shastri called that teacher and said that he should not spread the poison of social inequality and communalism in the minds of innocent children like this. All of us were also present there. Lakshmana Shastri clearly told that teacher that either he should apologize or else leave the school and go away from there. That teacher did not only express sorrow for his behavior rather, Laxman Shastri’s firm stand and his belief in secularism finally brought about a change in that teacher. These are the factors that lead us to good governance.
Who knew that late Abdul Kalam would one day become a great scientist and the President of India. Similarly, Dr. Rajendra Prasad Babu Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, Shankar Dayal Sharma, Lal Bahadur Shastri, Subhash Chandra Bose, Swami Shraddhanand, Mahatma Hansraj etc. were divine souls in this country who contributed in nation building through good values, thus, making great contributions. Only the lives of great men can guide us. The darkness of our mind can be dispelled by the light of knowledge. Changes are necessary in the education system while stressing on moral values. Devotion must be in the form of moral religious education in all schools, the basic principles of all sects are the same. The teacher has to walk by them first. Whatever the teacher does, the student also does the same. Your children should be kept away from cinema and tv programs – watching which can spoil their character.
“Dharmo Rakshati Rakshit” It is true that the importance of rituals has been exposed since time immemorial in this religious country. Our Rishis, Maharishi etc. have always been preaching through the Vedas that all the rites and duties from birth to death should be made the basis of our life. Our former Acharyas have told many ways but the best solution is that our education and initiation should be done properly and our family should be full of good values. Compliance with rituals is the ultimate help in achieving the desired goal of human life. For more information, we should study the great revolutionary of 18th century, Maharishi Dayanand Saraswati ji’s “Sanskar Vidhi”. These sixteen sanskars have a huge impact in human creation and development. We should be helpful on spiritual, social and national progress by making human beings “human”.