Education and moral values

The great philosophers and thinkers around the world remarked that only such an educational system can work well in future that imbibes moral values among modern children and budding youth. The wave  of westernization has no doubt made strives of progress in science and technology but has also brought evils in its train in the form of drug addiction, suicides, arrogance and waywardness among youth, the direct result of lack of moral values among youth.
In ancient system of education of moral values was a part and parcel of educational system. The students were taught to speak truth uphold principles of piety and to respect their Guru (teacher) and elders. These Guru’s not only taught how to earn a living but also focussed on physical, mental and moral development through meditation and yoga. Present day teachers do not command respect as they focus on material values and not moral values leading to discontent among modern youth. Parents also have lost control over their children as the children blindly initiate the western ways of life. The computer education and frequent use of internet has no doubt has increased their knowledge and given them enough exposure, but misuse of them is the root cause of headache and tension. It has made them robots without reason and thinking educationists.
The modern and psychologists feel that excess use (abuse) of modern, gadgets has slowed their reasoning and will power and hence they vehemently cry that value based education must be a part and parcel of modern education to inculcate values of truth honestly, piety, humane feelings for elders and diling and giving up violence and negatives that is sapping the vitals of the budding youth.
Yours etc….
K L Dhar
Durga Nagar, Jammu