Educational scenario

With coming of the new Govt in the State, a marked change has been felt in the educational sector. Regularity and punctuality of teachers once considered dream like, is now seems well maintained. Trust boosting measures are initiated to let the people feel that the educational standard is in the process of improvement in Govt schools too, efforts are on to minimise the differences which attract parents to get their wards admitted in private schools for quality education. Recent drive of posting teachers to their convenient stations, whereby they can comfortably discharge their sacred duties, is really an appreciable step; proposal for raising minimum qualification of a teacher as graduation, is another big step in this direction. Since the department is all set to do every endeavour for promotion of education for the masses, who otherwise can’t bear the expenses of private education, now what is needed, is unfailing dedication and loyalty  on the part of the teacher community on whom onus of building and strengthening the nation lies.
Yours etc….
Keshwa Nand, Sharma
Salehri (Sunder Bani)