Effective Ways To Use AI in Classrooms

Effective Ways To Use AI in Classrooms

Aditi Raj
The use of AI can actually revolutionise the way in which teachings happen in the present day. It can not only help to give personalised learning to the students and assist teachers but can also provide more innovative ways to teach students including giving instant feedback and support, whenever needed.
The adoption of AI is currently increasing at a rampant rate. Earlier in 2020, the market size for AI in education was perceived to be US$ 1.1 Billion. According to the UNESCO reports, this value is anticipated to grow to around US$ 6 Billion in 2024. If this happens, then in just four years a substantial growth of 445% will transpire. Further, as per the Market Research Engine Report, the market size will reach US$12 Billion by 2027. If achieved, it will be 100% growth achieved in mere 3 years.
Here are the top 20 effective ways in which AI can be used in the classrooms. These are-
Personalised Experience
Since every student has his own strength to learn; some learn quickly while others slowly and gradually. Hence, at times students are left behind by teachers. So, Artificial Intelligence software can learn from students learning behaviour and accordingly deliver personalised content. Thus, it can help teachers to assist students who are lagging.
With emerging technologies like Machine Learning in education, the system will understand how much the student understood various lessons and adapt to the process to minimise the burden. AI-embedded games and customised programs will be able to focus on everyone’s specific requirements.
Produce Innovative Content
Artificial intelligence along with Machine Learning can help teachers and research experts to produce innovative content. This content will be easier to articulate and will involve-
Creating 2D- 3D content visualisation for better understanding
Update content frequently while notifying users about the same
Generating Digital content
Reducing the Skill Gap
By using AI and ML-powered software and application development solutions, students can be upskilled. It can emerge as a way in which technology gap problems can be sorted and henceforth confidence among students can be developed.
Tailor-made data-based feedback
Feedback is a very crucial element in improvising learning experiences or teaching practices. Both good and bad feedback can increase the efficiency of teaching and consequently, learning. AI does continuous analyses and; accordingly, determines the work reports based on everyday data.
Data-based feedback truly aids in fulfilling the needs like student satisfaction, removes biases and helps in articulating what exactly is lacking. It is generated by every student according to their needs and requirements; accordingly, the employee’s performance is registered on the system.
Provides reliable data for educators
AI can enable quick access to valuable data that can help educators to identify the areas where teaching is ineffective quickly. Or, something that is challenging for most students, some specific chapters or topics. Consequently, reliable data can be obtained according to which educators can improve their teaching. Giving more time to complicated topics and less to simpler ones. Artificial intelligence provides valuable data that help educators identify their weaknesses.
Globalisation of Education
Now, Artificial Intelligence has enabled the ability to access education from anywhere and at any time. It has eased not only travel expenses for classes but has also saved precious time for students. Even the poor people, people living in hilly areas or rural areas can also easily access education at an affordable rate and in the comfort of their homes using AI.
Enabled Virtual Classrooms
AI is enabling platforms to digitise books so that they can be accessed from anywhere and at any time. This is also allowing the formation of a virtual learning environment.
Even people can take up their preferred courses in foreign countries online right sitting in their homes without having to travel there.
AI-based facial recognition
Today, in China, in some learning institutions students do not need to carry their ID cards. AI-enabled facial scan recognises students. It is widely being used for security, research and administrative tasks.
Similarly, these types of scanners can help to recognise those who paid for lunch and those who have not. Even in libraries, these scanners can be used when students are taking books.
Comprehensive information for Teachers
At present, teachers do not need to just rely on their old learning. Today, AI has enabled access to a sea of comprehensive information that enables even teachers to get information about many things they did not know before or to recall past knowledge.
Completion of Assignment, Projects, and Reports
AI bots like ChatGpt and Google Bard can be very useful in helping students in completing their assignments, projects and reports etc. With the help of AI, students can easily get ideas for their projects and reports, even getting them written within seconds.
No Time Constraints to Ask Queries or Doubts
Unlike the physical classes where teachers are busy, having time constraints and a hectic schedule can cause delays in clearing doubts of the students. Even at times, the doubt is not cleared at all. However, with the help of AI-enabled chatbots, students can seek educational assistance at any time on any topic and get their doubts cleared then and there.
Complements Teachers
Ever since the invention of AI, people have illusioned that AI will replace teachers and will make many people jobless. However, unlike it, AI complements teachers by helping them to identify the student’s weaknesses in the class.
Even in e-learning, teachers are aware of where students would have problems with the use of AI, also allowing them to revisit the learning materials.
Designing the Course
AI tools can also help to design and organise the course materials including the syllabi, assessments, and lesson plans. The courses offered can be made more engaging and interactive to improve students’ learning experience.
With virtual reality, even virtual laboratory settings can be made for students to conduct experiments, observe the results and make predictions accordingly.
(The author is from IIMC Jammu)