Egypt’s lawyers strike to protest police violations

CAIRO, June 6:  Egyptian lawyers today went on a strike to protest police assault against one of their colleagues who was hit with a shoe by a policeman.
Sameh Ashour, the head of the Lawyers’ Syndicate, called all lawyers for full commitment to the general strike to protest police brutality and violations.
“We confirm that lawyers are fully bias to the rule of law and all State’s institutions and keen that the Egyptian police would not be penetrated or spoiled by deviant person nor it’s message be undermined,” Ashour said in a statement.
The strike came as a response to the incident that took place on Wednesday when a policeman assaulted and hit a lawyer with his shoe. The lawyer was severely injured in his face.
The Lawyers’ Syndicate called for a one-day general strike at Egypt’s courts to protest the incident, which it described as “brutal”.
The Syndicate said it filed complaints against the attack. An investigation into the incident has been launched.
“The lawyers will not abandon their rights, or the rights of their colleagues, and will follow every official in the ministry, starting with the minister of interior on to the security officials who abandoned their role as the protectors of citizens’ rights and dignity,” it said.
That is not the first time that the lawyers are protesting against police. In March 2014, over 100 lawyers staged a protest in front of the syndicate headquarters in downtown Cairo after a lawyer was tortured to death by two policemen at a police station. (PTI)