EJAC bats for regularisation of Rehber-e-Khel teachers

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Feb 2: JK Employees Joint Action Committee (EJAC) has expressed serious concern on the miserable plight of Rehber-e- Khel teachers (REK).
In a statement, President EJAC, Mohd Rafique Rather said that highly qualified teachers with PG and Doctorate degrees were appointed as REK in Department of Youth Services and Sports on a meagre salary with an assurance of regularisation of their services but it’s unfortunate that these teachers are working on peanuts despite putting in their best to regulate sports activities throughout JK.
Rafique Rather said that it’s because of the efforts put in by these aggrieved teachers that the othrwise defunct Department of Youth Services and Sports has made a remarkable progress and has brought laurels to the department and JK as well.
President EJAC said that REK teachers are protesting for many years and have reached out to State and Central leadership in the Government for redressal of their demands of regularisation, enhancement in monthly salary and reduction in probationary period and added that these teachers have received assurances from all quarters but nothing concrete has come out so far, with the result these highly literate and skilled teachers have been left to starvation, which he called worst kind of exploitation.
Rather said that miserable condition of REK teachers is unbearable and if it continues, most of these teachers will leave their jobs because they are not able to feed their families properly and better education to their children is a distant dream.
Rafique Rather said that EJAC being the sole representative platform of all employees of JK irrespective of cadre and status, is under moral obligation to support and highlight this human issue for immediate redressal and will leave no stone unturned in highlighting their sufferings.
Urging upon the Government of JK to resolve issue of REK teachers at an earliest, Rafique Rather said that if Government continues to shelve their genuine and justified case, EJAC will be left with no option but to protest on roads till the issues are resolved and sufferings of hapless REKs are mitigated.