Ek Sath Rang Mandal stages Urdu play

Excelsior Correspondent

A scene from Vijay Malla’s play Taleem Aur Tehzeeb which was staged on Monday.
A scene from Vijay Malla’s play Taleem Aur Tehzeeb which was staged on Monday.

JAMMU, Jan 12: Ek Sath Rang Mandal presented its 125th Monday theatre with Vijay Malla’s new play in Urdu “Taleem Aur Tehzeeb ” in Monday series in collaboration with Unison cultural  troupe and B.L.S.K.S at Haider Pura Janipur here.
“Taleem aur Tehzeeb” is teaching lesson for those who are deprived of basic education due to their own reasons . A child who is a son of a petty labour is unable to continue his education because of poverty and resources. Even his parents are not educated and a housewife who lives in neighbourhood notices his ambition and interest for education. She helps him and guides him for education in a primary school. School authorities refuses to admit the boy because of his age limitations , but this educated lady convinces the head of the school that if a poor boy has got interest for education , then age is no bar,  nobody can stop him for education , rather we should encourage such moves in the society . This boy is happy but his parents are not because he used to fetch them Rs 50 per day by working at a tea stall .
The boy is sad with attitude of his parents who are not happy with his education. He finally approaches the lady who immediately threatens his parents and the tea stall owner that they can be prosecuted under labour law if they forcibly put – this boy in work at tea stall . Finally the boy is happy, and the lady explains the meaning of education and its merits to others children who are around, She says that education is the only source which create discipline in them . So man needs education(Taleem) which creates discipline (Tehzeeb) in him .
Among the prominent who witnessed the play were Dr. Vinod Sharma, Prof. Computer Science University of Jammu and President ESRM .
Actors who performed this Play were Anuroop Pathania , Rahul Pandita , Nazuk Bhagat , Laksh Bali , Surbhi Mahajan and Vijay Malla .
This play was written and directed by Vijay Malla and assisted by Anuroop Pathania.