Elderly Australians to benefit from 400 mln USD funding boost: PM

CANBERRA, Dec 17: Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison has announced a major funding boost for the aged care sector to help the elderly receive care at home.

Morrison revealed the 552.9-million-Australian dollar (396.8 million U.S. dollars) boost on Monday, saying that it would give older Australians increased access to doctors, nurses and meal support in their own homes.

“Older Australians have built our country and they deserve our respect and support for the choices they want to make,” he told reporters on Monday.

“We know many older Australians want to stay in their own home and this package delivers just that support and high-level care at home.

“This means doctors, nurses and complex care at home, alongside nutrition and meal support and help getting around.”

Morrison has made aged care a major focus since he was sworn in as the prime minister in August, announcing a royal commission into the sector in October.

Under the initiative, 10,000 elderly Australians will receive high-level home care packages, which will provide up to 50,000 Australian dollars (35,885 U.S. dollars) worth of home care services each year.

A further 70,000 will have their fees for home services cut by up to 400 Australian dollars (287 U.S. dollars) per year.

General Practitioners (GPs) will receive an extra 98 million Australian dollars (70.34 million U.S. dollars) to subsidize home visits for the elderly and 9.3 million Australian dollars (6.67 million U.S. dollars) to attend to the homeless elderly.

The funding was included in Monday’s mid-year economic and financial outlook, which projected a budget surplus of 4.1 billion Australian dollars (2.94 billion U.S. dollars) in 2019-20.