Elections and machinations

This has reference to the article ‘Kashmir: Elections and Machinations’ DE April 28.
In this leading article the author has made two bizarre observations. One was that Dr. Farooq Abdullah was assured of his victory because of “ political machinations”. Secondly how come election happened in Srinagar and postponed by a month in case of Anantnag and that 7% turn out and 1% in 38 booths was a fit case for this election to have been annulled ( by the ECI) Author cited personal reasons for the postponement.
It is a fact that the present ruling dispensation of J&K had done all ground work to ensure defeat of the National Conference candidate which then they could use as their trump card in the Anantnag by election. The detractors of National Conference from Kashmir to Delhi unable to digest this victory against all odds are belittling National Conference success. Shri Anand has expressed that feeling in black and white.
It is also sad that people like Anil Anand are unable to gauge the deep seated anger against the BJP-PDP combine being witnessed with ever growing intensity since they came to power through dubious mean in 2014 elections to the 13th J&K state Legislative Assembly. The author has also exposed his bias for this premier political party which has record breaking service for the emancipation of the people through out the state in a just and equitable manner creating thereby a welfare state which is the envy of many at home and abroad.
Yours etc…
Dr Sheikh Mustafa Kamal
Additional General Secretary J&K
National Conference