Electric buses in Srinagar

Smart City Limited’s introduction of all-weather electric buses in Srinagar, with a trial run scheduled in the coming days and full operation planned in the following few weeks, marks a significant milestone in the region’s transportation system. The plan is to have 100 buses in service in Srinagar by November of the current year. Electric buses offer a significant advantage over their diesel counterparts by substantially reducing greenhouse gas emissions. By utilising electricity as their power source, they play a crucial role in improving air quality and mitigating the environmental impact of transportation. Although the upfront investment for electric buses is higher, they prove to be cost-effective in the long run due to lower operational and maintenance expenses compared to conventional fossil fuel-powered buses. Moreover, Government subsidies and incentives further enhance their financial viability. Besides environmental benefits, electric buses provide a quieter and more pleasant journey for passengers, as they lack engine vibrations and reduce noise pollution.
Srinagar, being a prominent tourist destination, can greatly enhance its appeal to modern-day tourists by adopting this ultra-modern transportation mode. By introducing electric buses, the city will align itself with the expectations of tourists, which are in line with those of other world-class tourism destinations. However, there are still challenges that need to be addressed for wider adoption, such as the high initial costs, limited charging infrastructure, and range limitations. Nevertheless, efforts are underway to overcome these hurdles through increased investments in charging infrastructure, Government support, and collaborations with technology providers. Overall, the progress in the electric bus sector signifies a positive shift towards cleaner and greener urban mobility.