Electrical distribution in J&K

K R Suri
With the concept of digital India planning , an ambitious projects of our current prime minister and all efforts of planning commission and ministry of power. There is an ambitious project on going in our State that is R-APDRP scheme.  Scheme is under implementation for the last two years. Although its time period of execution is over and only 30% is achieved so far but still all efforts are being made to make it implement by the planners and executers.
Any system which needs full support of public requires a lot of effort to implement as all variety of civil characters fall on the way and they have to handled with care in democracy.
Benefits of such scheme to  a common house hold
No / less fluctuations
Improved voltage profile
More time availability of power
Less damage to house hold equipments
Pay for actual use or no manulation in energy consumed
Less operation of diesel gen. Sets. Low pollution in atmosphere
To state utility/ electricity deptt
Improved efficiency and quality
Fewer breakdowns
Increased revenue
Better performance
Employee satisfaction
Schemes which are under implementation are being executed by M/s IRCON, (a Govt. Of India Enterprise) for Jammu sector and M/s emc  for Srinagar sector to a total value of Rs 1700 crs                      (appx)
The scheme involves setting up of new power stations, renovation cum augmentation  of existing stations , installation of distribution stations
Setting up of pole mouted  transformers as per load in near by hose holds/areas
Laying of abc (arial bunchcables) from pole to pole
Support from public
This is the right time for individuals house hold to declare the connected load for proper assessment of survey being done by executers for a trouble supply to their house or installations. Failing which people may gain in short run but create problem in long run. As once these agencies move out, there may be a difficulty in replacement of installations.
People should declare their hidden by pass type of installations in other terms means of theft arrangements. Wiring contractors should also stop such practices as a support to society and benefit to nation. Ultimately interruptions are in convenient for everyone.
There are temporary bazars, which are using unauthorised looping system. State deptt. Should also look to their convenience and should give one connection to land owner through meters. This will not only prevent theft but will yield revenue.
Training should be imparted to maintenance staff for better understanding of systems being installed. Road shows to be conducted for public awareness.
One should understand that transformers being installed has a inbuilt fuse blow system and how to maintain it need to be understood by maintenance team.
Local municipality should also make use of such opportunity to use solar based street lights /time based system/ sun sensors along with leds for better performance.
(The author is Retd. Gen. Mgr Power Grid  and Consultant to  SPGVL).