Elimination of terrorism is essential to peace in Kashmir: Chrungoo

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, May 31: Ashwani Kumar Chrungoo, BJP State Spokesperson on Kashmir Affairs, in his reaction to the OIC remarks on Kashmir, rejected the statement lock, stock and barrel while making it clear that no outside organisation has any locus in India’s internal affairs.
Speaking on the issue at the reception hosted by Dr Jitendra Singh, newly appointed Minister of State in PMO (Independent Charge), Chrungoo said that whosoever would like to influence the issue by bringing an unsuccessful intervention or by any sort of manipulation would be damaging their own cause in the long run. “BJP advises all and sundry to be guided by the established doctrines in this regard set by the fundamental political, constitutional, diplomatic and legal instruments. The Instrument of Accession, Shimla Agreement and the Unanimous Parliamentary Resolution of 1994 lay down the guiding doctrines in this context,” he added.
While referring to the statement of the Mirwaiz Umar Farooq, Chrungoo maintained that any idea of peace in Kashmir from any quarter is welcome, but the matter of the fact is that elimination of terrorism is essential to the establishment of peace in Kashmir.
Chrungoo stressed that Pakistan will have to come up to the expectations of the world community in regard to finishing terror and terror infrastructure from the soil under its control. “It cannot play hide and seek with India on this issue. As long as terror and subversion continue from their side into Jammu and Kashmir, there can be no movement on dialogue. Terror and talks cannot go together,” he added and maintained that the Government, however, would welcome the peace process that brings the terrorists to surrender themselves along with their weapons.
“Kashmir is not representative of the whole State of Jammu and Kashmir. The regions of Ladakh and Jammu have also their aspirations and demands. The overwhelming voting in these regions in favour of BJP is in tune with the rest of India in this regard. BJP’s commitments made to its voters are also to be realised in near future. The party is deeply conscious of its position and obligations towards its voters. Jammu and Kashmir needs to match up with the rest of the country and this mission is to be achieved during the next five years under the able leadership of PM Narendra Modi,” he maintained.