Empathising with terrorism

Shiban Khaibri
While using religious card or playing opportunist politics, willy- nilly or intentionally and under an agenda , going to the extent of empathising with terror in any form – that too with impunity– can happen in this country only. Those who cry foul and those who shed crocodile tears even from foreign soil, yet lamenting “Aawaz Dabai Ja Rahi Hai” can again be allowed in this country only. The question is but why? There should have been a unanimous stand , a cohesive stand , a cogent and firm stand of one and all in this country against terrorism in any form and for whichever cause as this country has been made to bleed right through its nose by terrorism for five decades. We have lost thousands of civilians and persons in uniform due to this stigma on civilization and humanity, known as terrorism. We have lost tens of billions of Rupees in the shape of destruction of assets and in the cost of defending civilians and installations from the horrendous menace of terror . We have watched with heavy hearts and eyes welled with tears, our young personnel of defence attaining martyrdom while fighting the terror or falling victim to ambushes. It is another thing that those feeling nothing serious about it could be primarily necessarily on account of none of their dearest having either got consumed by or while fighting terror. Ask those who have suffered enormously , feel those who have lost their dearest ones, find out those who have been uprooted from the roots of thousands of years, hear the sigh of those who ask as to what was their fault to have been struck so hard by the visible and invisible hands of terror , hate and prejudice .
Again , it is utter shame on those of us in this country in not valuing the sacrifice and martyrdom of our brave hearts as to how with an aim to ensure our all pronged safety right up to in our homes , these lion hearted in olive and khaki sacrifice their comforts, their family life and ultimately in many cases even their lives. Recently, we lost four young security personnel including three officers – Col Manpreet Singh, Major Aashish and Dy. SP Himayun Bhat of J&K Police in an encounter with terrorists in Anantnag district in Jammu and Kashmir . While the two Army officers had been decorated for exhibiting their heroism in counter terror operations , the young Dy. SP was father of a two month old daughter and was the son of retired Inspector General of Jammu and Kashmir Police. In an obsession for cricket , how can we forget these heroes who laid down their lives for us so as to go so much over board and be stupidly over enthusiastic in giving in Ahmedabad a hero’s welcome to the cricket team of the same country that is engaged in waging a proxy war of terrorism against us for five long decades. Women artists were arranged to dance to greet them , flower petals were showered on them , shawls and scarfs were presented to and wrapped round them not to speak of the hospitality of the highest order extended. In the same manner, the team was extended such a rousing welcome and reception in Hyderabad that Mohammed Rizwan of the team felt as if his team had won the World Cup and had returned to Karachi or Lahore Airport. Why so much of it even quite contrary to the expectations of the Pakistani team , whom in turn to appease with this lavish generosity and on whose orders all this, must necessarily be got known.
This country, however, has in its veins, from time immemorial, the highest Sanatani standards of hospitality where the status of a guest is equivalent to a deity as we are taught ,”Atithi Devo Bhava” or a guest is like a deity , a divinity and in that context, we the Bhartis take pride in welcoming and extending hospitality to our guest . However, what about those coming from or representing an enemy country that is always bent upon harming and troubling India . Normal courtesies , foolproof safety and security coupled with comfortable stay would have met the ends of our duty and responsibility as the host country. We can ask about the rationale of talking about not normalising our relations with that country unless it wound up its terror infrastructure and stopped sending its armed and indoctrinated infiltrators to this side. Is that to be implemented by the Prime Minister and his government only and not by all of us – the countrymen? Now, see the reality , there are cricket and other sports matches played between the two countries. There are cultural and book shows organised. Artists from both countries visit to perform. There are movie stars freely visiting and our “secular and democratic” leaders too visiting that country. There are normal and intimate diplomatic relations and the like. Is it not a fact that it is only confined to our armed forces to carry along sincerely the intrinsic feelings of patriotism and the honour of the tricolour , fight belligerence of Pakistan and in the process even offer supreme sacrifice ? At least, while extending more than heroes’ welcome to the players of Pakistan by the BCCI , at the minimum very recent martyrdom of our four brave hearts should have been kept in the mind and – dances -joys- rose petals – scarf(s) – sprinkling of scents and perfumes on them etc should have been avoided.
Now, look at the deliberate exhibition of recording and showing open loyalty to the similarity of the religious factor as one of the Hyderabad journalists addressed the Pakistani skipper as “Mard-e- Mujahid” or an Islamic warrior and wished Pakistan to win against India saying it was “Hyderabad’s honour that we hosted Pakistan team”. Rizwan was overwhelmed by saying it looked to him like being in Rawalpindi. Rizwan, therefore, dedicated his innings to “my brothers and sisters in Gaza” from the Indian soil. He registered his “protest” towards Israel’s response to the most brutal attack by Hamas after its “fighters” barged into Israel and killed hundreds of innocent people there. Besides he also indulged in acts on the pitch itself which should have been his private and personal but just see not a murmur , not a word, not a comment by the so called secular and democratic ecosystem in our country.
The conflict between Israel and Hamas etc should rattle and agitate some sections and leaders of this country and taking sides mainly on religious affinity and for political ends is not only unfortunate but has in its bosom precarious repercussions. From Kanya Kumari to Srinagar and from Jaipur to West Bengal , there should be so much of a spontaneous compliance of the call of Hamas while being beyond comprehension, impliedly depicts more than meets the eye. While steadfastly India adhering to its unchanged stand on the issue of Palestine , how in the civilized world at the same time, it can endorse acts of barbarism and terror unleashed on innocent unarmed civilians, men , women , old, infirm and even toddlers. If the country’s government elected democratically and constitutionally by the people, took a sand on terrorism and extended sympathies with the victims , it is bounden duty of the people to endorse such a stand which does not dilute or minimise India’s support for Palestinian cause. Does it mean that the loyalty towards the country and hence the patriotism which very often are boasted about, are conditional , provisional and restrictive? Is the country first or one’s religion first ? When the country is there, everything is there which must be unambiguously understood .
All India Students’ Association (AISA) affiliated to Communist Party of India (Marxist Leninist) Liberation , held a demonstration on 16th instant with placards and their patented “Daflies” where they raised slogans to liberate Gaza and Kashmir . The agenda of this “senior” students organisation is to keep its “movement” on till all occupied areas in the world were liberated. Under the cover of ”support ” to Palestine , bringing in an integral part of the country – Kashmir – in a war between Hamas and Israel is seditious and is tantamount to misusing freedom of speech and right to expression . That exposes the real agenda of the extreme Leftists in the country. Interesting part is that despite that much of freedom (misusing it with impunity) , “Hamen bolney nahin diya jata hai” is how some leaders are routinely and brazenly speaking white lies. AMU students too had extended support to Palestine , raising slogans and chanting “Tera mera kya rishta…..”
Also , a delegation of “highly secular ” MPs of Congress, BSP, Communist Party etc walked into Palestine Embassy expressing total support and solidarity and presenting a memorandum. Whether it is all within the permitted precedence to do it without taking EAM or the HM into confidence, can best be described by these Honourables but one thing is certain – their vote Bank is highly magnetised by this implied appeasement , 2024 is , therefore, broadly covered by these constituents of INDI alliance.
However, it could be opined that Israel ”should have learnt from India” that even after facing the worst terror attack of 26/11 from Pakistan resulting in three days siege of our financial capital, a massacre of nearly 200 people , injuries to as many more plus huge destruction of property etc , no retaliation was done but yes – finely worded dossiers were sent to Pakistan- followed by freshly worded dossiers – yet again fresh dossiers with ”more proof”, followed by new dossiers etc which resulted in a bit of lull and “peace”. Israel not emulating India’s the then policy of extremely defensive and evasive response to barbarism unleashed by Pakistan on us could have prevented the present escalation and “trouble” to those who had to come on streets to express solidarity with Hamas and Palestine though Hamas is not Palestine and India’s stand and support to just and genuine cause of Palestine is unchanged.