Employees online App

This is in reference to “Dr Jitendra launchers latest app to track Government transfers appointments ” in DE November 2, 2016. When I read this news item I could not believe my  eyes; it was just like a dream come true. I used to watch Government employees running to their head offices day in and day out just to find some stupid information regarding appointment, transfers/postings and vacancies, leaving behind their official work on the mercy of God.
Now as Dr Jitendra Singh has launched the latest of its kind “Employees Online” (EO) App to track government transfers, appointments, postings and vacancies all the latest information will be available to the Government employees and they need not to run to the higher offices for such information and can concentrate on their work. It will be pertinent to mention here that the highest offices  of J&K government are themselves not aware of such information and even if they are aware, they do not act on it. The example is huge number of vacancies on very critical posts in most of the departments and transfers/postings of employees in a very haphazard manner.
The theme of our Government is “Of the people, for the people and by the people”, and the Governments try to work for the Welfare of people. Government employees are the tools through which all the policies, schemes of government can be implemented. These tools should always be sharp and should be taken care of very intelligently. If these tools of government are blunt and preoccupied in their own problems, what do we expect from them to deliver to general public. Dr Jitendra has shown a direction to all those at the helm of affairs  that although delivery to general public is at top priority, the delivery of facilities and information to its employees is equally important for the Government.
Kudos to Dr Jitendra Singh for taking this innovative step in Central Government and hope that State Government will also wake up and try to adopt such policies.
Yours etc….
Rohit Kumar Gupta
Talab Tillo