Employees protest, seek revocation of SRO-202

Govt employees recruited under SRO- 202 staging protest near Press Club in Jammu on Sunday. —Excelsior/ Rakesh
Govt employees recruited under SRO- 202 staging protest near Press Club in Jammu on Sunday. —Excelsior/ Rakesh

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Feb 16: The Government employees engaged in J&K under SRO-202 today held strong protest demonstration near Press Club here today.
The employees carrying banners and placards in their hands were raising loud slogans in support of their demand of revocation of highly discriminatory SRO -202. They alleged that many employees appointed by State Govt after 2015 by JKPSC and JKSSB were facing discrimination as they are only being given basic pay and no allowances, HRA, CCA etc.
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The employees while speaking to the media pointed out that they were recruited after multi-tier selection process by the J&K recruiting agencies like JKPSC and JKSSB. But they have been victimised by the J&K policy makers during previous BJP-PDP regime. As per Rule 7 of this new recruitment policy, the recruitment to various posts was assured to be completed on fast track basis within 3 months but unfortunately it took over three years to complete this process in most of the cases.
The probation period which should be generally maximum 2 years, has been kept as 5 years under this SRO and till then only basic pay is being given to the employees despite the fact that many of them have been posted in far- flung areas like Kishtwar, Poonch, Tangdar, Gurez, Kargil, Leh etc. It is very unfortunate that they will be provided annual incriments from 6th year of the service while other employees are enjoying all the facilities.
They said a very similar fixed salary mode job policy enacted in 2011 was scrapped by the State Cabinet on 21-5-2014 after massive public demand and protests. The protesting employees appealed to the Lt Governor G C Murmu to look into the matter and revoke this discriminatory and controversial SRO without any more delay and do justice with the aggrieved employees.