End of VIP culture

This refers to the writeup’Red light to VIP culture?’ by  Poonam I Kaushish (DE, Apr 24, 2017). It is heartening to read that the Government has taken the bold decision of ending VI P Cuture in India with  the Prime Minister saying that ‘Every Indian is a VIP’.The decision of the government to do away with the beacon lights and sirens atop the vehicles of VVIPs and VIPs from all  Government vehicles including those used by the Prime Minister,the, the Chief Ministers,Central and State Ministers and bureaucrats from May 1, 2017 is welcome step taken by the Goverment in the interest of common public.Many Union Ministers and Ministers in UP and other states have already removed red beacons from their cars to implement the decision. Unfortunately, we  have been so much involved in the VIP culture that there are VIP tickets, VIP bungalows,VIP seats and the like.When, our constitution is based on the noble principle of equality,why should we differentiate the  citizens of the same country into  commoners and VIPs.On many occasions,the PM has  referred to himself as  the ‘Pradhan Sevak’ conveying that his  only aim is to serve the country and countrymen in a selfless manner.Therefore, all the ministers and bureaucrats must take a cue from him and render selfless service to the nation with a missionery zeal.There are instances where common public is put to inconvenience because of a visit by the VIPs.Roads are closed , traffic suspended and hundreds of  people made to suffer.Such practice needs to be ended to ensure that common people are put to as little inconvenience as possible due to  the visit of VIPs to their regions.The fact noted by the writer that  India has the highest number of 15842 VIPs enjoying state protection  while Britain has a total of 84 officially designated VIPs, France, 109, Japan, 125, Germany, 142, Australia, 205, the US, 252, Russia 312, and our neighbour, China has 435 designated VIPs, shows how deep rooted VIP cuture in India is.If social media reports are to be believed, we see top politicians including PMs of some  western countries walking or travelling like commoners in railways etc.it is hoped that the mindset of VIP culture will be changed in our country and our country will be known as the country where ‘every citizen is a VIP’.
Yours etc….
Ankita Sharma,