Ending VIP Culture

We have to raise our voice against VIP protocol. It is neither a legal act nor mentioned in  any law. There is no law regarding VIP protocol. According to rule of law, we all are equal in everywhere of life and must be treated and protected equally. A small group of people in our society enjoyed special privileges and protocols. They are escorted by special police, gunmen and body guards. On the other hand, a common man has to face road blocks and long traffic jams because of there protocols. Whenever a VIP has to travel by road, the traffic police stops all traffic  till that person reaches his destination. A long wait is  torturous. Ambulances are also stuck in this traffic and patients face hurdles while reaching to hospitals. People going to work places, and students to schools, colleges and universities reach their destinations late owing to this VIP movement. This trend needs to be changed.
Yours etc….
Mool Raj
Bhagota Doda