Engineering marvel

This is in response to the article on the topic ‘Engineering marvel’, DE Nov 13.
There is a common saying that some mistakes are non refundable. Continuing on the name of progress and development are not we all playing with  our future ? Making huge bridges, tunnels etc is not like painting beautiful pictures with own blood? We are treating our nature very bady. The cutting of trees for railway tracks, the continuous explosions in the mountains for tunnels are such dangerous acts which will not give us a single chance to confess for our sin. We are making our holy mountains naked by removing the cover of greenery and such deeds on the name of development are heinous ones. It is also a war like condition which we have initiated against nature is again protecting us but it has also limit and results will be like Kaidar Nath. We can  never forget so please be in harmony with mother nature.
Yours etc….
Sandeep Singh Katal
Sikanderpur , Bishnah