English for career prospects

This refers to the writeup’Degree in English, Changing Trends’ published in this paper under the caption’Career Counselling’ in DE Magazine dated Sep25, 2016.The writer has beautifully highlighted the role of English in the changing times.A graduate or post graduate degree in English has vast scope in terms of employment in diverse fields.It offers vast scope of employability in teaching, marketing, journalism,entertainment and other fields.Reading  English helps in developing and honing skills such as arguing logically,thinking criticallyand  independently, developing good written and spoken communication skills, with the result that the person well trained in these skills and having good knowledge of this subject has an edge over those who have poor knowledge about English and are not so well trained in these skills.These days, there is hardly any competitive examination which doesn’t have a section based on English language in the question paper.So knowledge of English opens a large no.of avenues of employment for the youth.A person having passion for teaching English can take up a job for teaching at school, college or university level.Those interested in Media have the opportunities in journalism, publishing, TV and Radio anchors etc.Those groomed in advanced writing skills can choose creative writing as their career and can give wings to their ideas and thoughts in the form of essays, short stories, novels etc.Banking, Finance, insurance, Law, Civil Services are the other spheres where the degree in English is highly useful.
Of late, there has been a growing interest in English in the students at school and college level and many students of our state , after passing their 10+2 exam, are going to various colleges and universities across the nation for pursuing the Honours Degree and PG Degree Courses in English and thus enhancing their knowledge and employability.
Yours etc…
Ashok Sharma,
Lecturer in English,
Govt. Hr. Sec. School (Boys) Udhampur