Enhance level of cooperation to deal with militants: DGP to security forces

SRINAGAR: Reviewing the security situation in the backdrop of Shopian ambush by militants, Director General of Police (DGP) Dr S P Vaid today stressed upon security forces to enhance the level of coordination to deal with the militants and elements who wanted to disturb peace in Jammu and Kashmir.

Addressing a review meeting at Awantipora in south Kashmir, Dr Vaid stressed upon the officers to enhance the level of coordination among all security agencies to deal with militants  and elements who are bent on vitiating peace and order in the State.

He impressed upon the security agencies  to keep a close and constant vigil for effective security management. Showing concern on the growing drug abuse the DGP implored upon the officers to keep major focus on the narcotics trade and ensure that people involved in the illicit trade of narcotics are booked.

Earlier, Inspector General of Police (IGP) Kashmir SJM Gillani gave a detailed briefing regarding the overall security situation in the valley and enumerated strategy adopted to continue fight against the militancy.  (AGENCIES)