Enhance medical allowance

Now that the articles 370 and 35A have been abrogated fully, the laws, acts and provisions pertaining to Central Govt. employees for payment of allowance etc are applicable in the UTs of J&K and Ladakh.
The ITC being the latest one but unfortunately nothing has been done till date regarding medical allowance to be paid to the UT employees and pensioners at par with their counterparts in Central Government. So in view of the fitness of things and the provisions, therefore, it is fervently and hopefully urged to take immediate steps by the Central Government to make the payment of medical allowance to the UT employees and pensioners. The UT government employees and pensioners are still paid a paltry sum of Rs 300 per month which is nothing but a cruel joke. An amount of Rs 300 is not even sufficient for a doctor’s single visit. The employees in general and the pensioners in particular suffer a lot due to ailments and price rise of medicines. It is an admitted fact that old age is itself a disease, so the medical care demands immediate treatment and cure. So enhanced medical allowance be paid to the UT employees.
Dwarika Nath Raina
Upper Muthi Jammu