Every law, every custom and every system when fails to deliver desired fruits, it should be shunned or modified to cope up with the needs of time. But often seen, even most unfavourable laws, customs and traditions keep on going until very revolutionary steps are taken. Decades back, when ReT scheme came into existence, Mid-day Meal workers engaged were given Rs 1000 PM as pay for their services in schools.
In the times when prices even of basic commodities of life have risen to the sky height, the amount being paid to them not only proves inadequate to meet their needs, it becomes a cruel joke on the part of the Govt. Not that the Govt isn’t aware of it, but one who is stomach filled generally forgets about others’ hunger. Now since the schools are the re-opening deeply feeling their financial predicament, it would be highly humanitarian, if their salary is enhanced. When Anganwari workers/helpers are paid in thousands for almost the same working conditions and time spent, where the sky falls if they too are justifiably given to have good life. A deep introspection is always needed for equality and justice as democracy demands. Morality and justice are always synonyms, and therefore, must be exercised at all times.
Keshwa Nand Sharma,
Salehri (Sunder Bani)