Entry of labourers without testing banned in Srinagar

After large numbers of non-local labourers in Kashmir tested positive for Coronavirus and violation of COVID SOPs by them, Deputy Commissioner Srinagar, Shahid Iqbal Choudhary, today ordered Rapid Antigen testing of the labourers and strict adherence to the SOPs to prevent spread of Coronavirus.
The DC has ordered that Rapid Antigen testing of the labourers will be done before they are allowed to enter Srinagar city. He said it has been observed that large number of brick kiln and some construction workers are arriving in Kashmir.
Choudhary said that there is need that strict arrangements are in place to ensure that all requisite protocol is being followed to prevent spread of coronavirus.
The Department of Labour and Employment has been made Nodal department for ensuring end to end arrangements to ensure their regulated entry, compulsory COVID testing, distancing norms and SOPs at places of work and stay.
The Deputy Labour Commissioner has been asked to oversee the arrangements and personally monitor the process.
The Assistant Labour Commissioner Srinagar has been asked to stay at Pantha Chowk to ensure entry of labourers and testing at designated camp and further SOPs to be followed at work place and stay.
It has been ordered that the workers be given to UIDs by the Labour Department for their tracking and surveillance.
The Deputy Commissioner has ordered that any vehicle carrying labourers shall be seized and imposed a fine of Rs 20, 000 and won’t be released till the cost of testing and other logistics is not recovered from the owner of the vehicle or contractor.
He has ordered a fine of Rs 50, 000 to contractor for violating the COVID norms. “All costs will be recovered from the contractor in case illegal labour is found anywhere”, read the order.
The orders were issued after Excelsior reported that administration is not following proper protocol in case of labourers who are being allowed to enter Kashmir in large numbers.
For last one week around 17000 labourers arrived in Kashmir, mostly working in brick kilns. Every day 60-70 bus load of labourers arrive in Kashmir daily.
As per the protocol, all the passengers arriving in J&K by train, air or road have to be tested and sent to 14 days quarantine. All travellers are to be sent to paid or Government facility quarantine till test report. The positives are sent to hospital and COVID-19 negatives to home quarantine for 14 days.
Majority of these labourers are arriving in Budgam where they are directly sent to brick kilns for work. An official said that no protocol is being followed as hundreds of such labourers are living in insanitary conditions without social distance. The infected labourers are working with others posing a major risk of spread of infection among the labourers.