Environmental Compensation penalty

After all why should municipalities continue their spree of causing damage to environment by disposing waste material haphazardly in an unscientific manner is a moot question. One more such ULB, Municipal Committee Ramban has been found doing it and causing environmental pollution and putting the health of people to increasing risks especially when the lurking danger of corona virus pandemic was threatening the lives of the people.
Jammu and Kashmir Pollution Control Board has viewed the violation seriously and imposed Environmental Compensation of several lakh of Rupees on the Executive Officer of the Municipal Committee. It is only after the matter was taken up with the district authorities and other concerned departments yielding no results that the fine was imposed. Needless to add, the compensation money was going to be paid from out of the funds provided to the defaulting Municipal Committee which is nothing but the public money. A few days back we reported the same type of violations by the twin municipalities of Baramulla and Bandipora Kashmir where the waste material was being dumped in and around the world famous Wular Lake.
We feel about the issue under reference the performance of the Municipalities of Srinagar and Jammu too are not up to the mark for which a coordinated set of measures needed to be taken where providing alternate sites, necessary infrastructure, equipment and other logistics could be deliberated upon and concrete decisions taken. Merely imposing penalties would not suffice as the issue needs to be dealt with more seriously.