Environmental issues and elections

As Parliamentary elections are going on, while two phases are over and five more are to go, there is euphoria all over the nation. Campaigns are on their peaks, various mediums for connecting with masses are being employed by candidates and political parties. As it is well said that ‘Democracy and populism are cousins’, Indian elections are also not free from the clutches of populist campaigns. This time in midst of popular rhetoric, certain issues that were expected to be taken up have been sidelined from the election discourse. Environmental issues are one such aspect which was expected to be a part of election discourse, but despite having limited presence in manifestos of two major political parties they are out of major election discussion. Traditionally issues like these have never been part of earlier elections, but as climate change and other environmental issues are most heated topics globally and are imminent confrontations to be dealt with, therefore it is exigent for political parties as well as for concerned citizens to bring out pollution and other environmental issues as a part of main election discourse.
Ratul Dhiman
The Law School, JU