Eradication of corruption

One feels like to laugh when other talks about eradication of corruption, feeling that so deep rooted malice is difficult to be rooted out. The fact also can be corroborated by the experiences that despite plugging all loopholes, corruption is openly and excessively done. No mechanism could be able to minimise its practice.
It is tragic that no one likes it but every one, with exceptions, practises it. Truly, the character of a man is measured when alone. The man is  good only  till he doesn’t get time to be bad. Power corrupts a man. Misuse of power culminates into corruption. It is a social-economical phenamena. Erosion of moral values results into such  social ills, political favouritism and nepotism aggravate it and cause multiple disorders in the society and Governments.
The habit and tendency to earn more and more leads to this practice. Nothing  remains un-influenced where it prevails. Governments come and go, but its roots remain unshaken. Fearlessness from Almighty and hopefullness to get scot free in the so-called system of governance, often encourage such guys to commit such crimes. Wealth accumulated through unfair means neither brings peace of mind nor glory in any form. Actually getting what one isn’t due for or entitled to by Law and morality, is called corruption. To emancipate the society and Governments from this evil, every endeavour is considered insufficient and triffle.
Yours etc…
Keshwa Nand Sharma
Salehri (Sunder Bani)