ESRM presents ‘Shishtachar’

The artists of ESRM presenting Nukkad at Jhuggi Jhonpdi, Paloura Link Road Janipur Jammu on Monday.
The artists of ESRM presenting Nukkad at Jhuggi Jhonpdi, Paloura Link Road Janipur Jammu on Monday.

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, July 10: Ek Sath Rang Mandal (ESRM) today presented its 255th Monday Theatre with Vijay Malla ‘s new Nukkad “Shishtachar” at Jhuggi Jhonpdi, Paloura Link Road, Janipur Jammu.
Shishtachar is very important lesson for the manners and mental development of a child. This is a costly ornament to wear which lasts upto end of the life.
An elderly person has a habit of relating and advising children around on different topics. Today he wants to explain the meaning and definition of Shishtachar. What is Shishtachar? He explains them few essential points like knock the door before entering the room. Do not start any new work without elders’ advise or permission. Say thanks after getting Award. When you see old person doing any work you should offer your services to him. While travelling you should give priority to old, blind and invalid people. If you commit some mistake you should apologise. Never read anybody’s letter. Do not speak lie and keep patience.
The old man explains these are few points of mannerism and then tells them practically how and what you should do to develop manners. Sihshtachhar is very important to adopt right from your childhood because it will turn to be your habit in the long run.
A large number of people witnessed this Nukkad and appreciated he theme and efforts of ESRM.
Those who enacted were Ashok Sharma, M C Kotwal, Ankush Malla, Mubarak Ali, Raju Mad and Vijay Malla.
The Nukkad was written and directed by Vijay Malla.