Exams on schedule

This has  reference to the news item ‘Exams to be held as per schedule’ DE Oct 19.
If BOSE examination are not held on schedule, it will be a great setback to student community in the Valley. Loss of one year matters a lot both to students as well as their parents. There is stiff competition in the academic world now, and only those who can prove their mettle can go ahead. It is an admitted fact that studies of students suffered a lot in the wake of dreaded terrorist Burhan Wani’s killing in the Valley. As school remained locked, students could not continue their studies. Though Government made various pleas to people to let schools function, but people in the Valley hardly heeded to it. Government’s plea was taken by people as a ploy to sabotage the uprising. Whether true or false, one can infer from this situation, that it is students community which is at receiving end.
Shopkeepers, transporters, fruit growers and others associated with market too suffered enormously, but they can be compensated. The same cannot be said about student community. Time lost cannot be retrieved in any way, nor can it be compensated.
So, for the sake of students, it may be said that they should go for exams as per schedule. The Government must compensate them by way of reducing syllabus or introducing open choice system. Adamant attitude on both sides is not going to do any good to anybody.
Yours etc…
Vinod Mahajan