Exciting exploration into divinity

O.P. Sharma
A Jammu-born poet Ms. Diyva Duheta  Mahajan writes  poetry in English with passion, intense feeling and a bit of imagination. Her emotion-packed poetry tends to share experience of divinity and nature’s bounties.  Note, the first poem of this book, “Beauty of Life”, has the following stanza:
Pushing me for my better future
I forget hatred, when I’m with them (holy souls)
Enjoying every moment of the divine shine
Giving me just  Smile, smile and smile
The book under review titled “Journey Within” is a collection of 23 selected poetic compositions which include : “Women, with Power of Mind ; Life, A Divine Race; Voice of Darkness; Dancing Rain; It’s Just Today, No Tomorrow and You Don’t Worry, I’m  Always There For You”. All these poetic collection make an exciting experience to go through the fine feelings of the poet.
Divya is daughter of retired Chief engineer and got education from Jammu and then pursued Bachelors of Engineering in Electronics & Communication from Mahant Bachiter Singh College of Engineering, Jammu.
Ms Divye is  Associate Member of the Indian Institutions of Engineers, member of Youth Association Club India and also associated with  Rotary Club. She did some social works as well. She is a devotee of Art of Living  guru Sri Sri Ravishankar engaging in the initiative for keeping Jammu city garbage free.   She finds time to write poetry and she has now completed her second literary creation. Talking to me, Ms Divye said: “I  keep writing my emotions, feelings, and thoughtful observations from within and surroundings “.
Going through her wide range poetry, it becomes amply clear that there  is much impact of this spiritual  guru on her thought process and writings .
It is significant that she has dedicated this book to her inspiring spiritual guru Shri Shri Ravishanker  and in one of her poem eulogizes in following poetic words:
A man in white with peace in his mind
I bow for that Mother who gave you birth
We are honored to have you on this earth
In a brief Introduction, poet Divya expresses in her book that ” Journey Within”  is a wonderful amalgam of life, nature, feeling, customs and smile.
She  added that happiness is the precious blessing which  divine is showering every second on all of us . It is unfortunate that many  us fail to feel the  happiness around, she asserts and adds that  mortals  keep grappling with  their ” miniature problems” only instead of discovering  our inner self and  touch the divine ocean within us, giving immense happiness which last forever . The twittering of birds, the music of rain , the smiles of clouds and the happiness of heart are some ingredients of nature.
Journey Within is a poetic symbolism of feelings, thoughts and experiences which all of us have felt at some point in our lives in the sequence of this poems, each one has automatically blossom into stories of various human essence.
The printing and overall production of the book is of high quality.  This book, I feel has been priced on the higher side but its merit is beyond any doubt. All the citizens, particularly the youth must go through this book and enjoy the creative poetry  of  Divye Mahajan.
(Starline Syndicate Service)