Exodus of Pandits biggest HR violation in last 3 decades: Dr Jitendra

Avtar Bhat

JAMMU, Dec 2: Maintaining that the biggest human rights violation during last three decades in the State has been that of the ethnic minority of Kashmiri Pandits from Valley, Union Minister in PMO with independent charge of North Eastern States, Dr Jitendra Singh today said the so called champions of HR violations have never uttered a word about this in these years.
Talking to reporters here today on the sidelines of a party function, Dr Jitendra Singh questioned those who are indulging in selective condemnation of human rights in the State while maintaining a stoic silence over the killings by terrorists. He said “before making the condemnation and raising the issue of human rights we have to understand that what human rights actually mean”.
The Union Minister said that the Kashmir centric parties have to guard against the selective condemnation of human rights violations which they have been making oft repeated.
Dr Jitendra Singh said that those NGOs who are working on the alibi of human rights violation need to be brought to book under law.
While questioning the selective condemnation of HR violations, he asked “does a jawan guarding the borders of the nation in horrible weather conditions and protecting the people inside the country has no human rights” and added the selective condemnation is being used by certain groups for their vested interests.
Dr Jitendra Singh said instead of condemning the human rights violation of Kashmiri Pandits, these parties are blaming former Governor Jagmohan for their mass exodus which is far from truth.
He, while taking a dig at former Chief Minister, Mehbooba Mufti for exploiting the Kashmiri Pandits on the name of opening of Sharda Shrine pilgrimage, appealed the community members that they should not be taken by the design of Kashmir centric parties. He said Mehbooba, who is talking about opening of Sharda Peeth in her letter has written PAK meaning Pak Administrated Kashmir instead of PoJK. This way, she is giving recognition to PoJK as part of Pakistan, he added.
He also took NC president, Dr Farooq Abdullah to task for terming PoJK as part of Pakistan and Kashmir as part of India. The Union Minister said it is against the known stand of the country as well as BJP which stands for PoJK is an integral part of India and under forcible occupation of Pakistan.
Terming the remarks of both Abdullah and Mehbooba “totally objectionable”, Dr Jitendra Singh said that India is committed to 1994 joint Parliament resolution on PoJK and there will be no compromise on that.
He said BJP is making sincere efforts and finding out an alternative mechanism for opening the Sharda Shrine for the Kashmiri Pandits and PoJK refugees pilgrimage without disturbing the country’s stand on PoJK which is an integral part of India.
Dr Jitendra Singh was responding to a question that a decision has been taken that no complaint of HR violation will be entertained after the lapse of one year.
The Union Minister also criticised the Kashmir centric parties for targeting Governor and accusing him that he was taking decisions without consulting opposition. He said that when the Assembly has been dissolved where is the opposition and Governor is not bound to consult any body for taking a decision under such circumstances. “By such statements the opposition parties are trying the vitiate atmosphere in the State”, he added.
Earlier addressing the main function, Dr Jitendra Singh said the Centre was leading the nation on the path of growth and development, while claiming that the love of the people for Prime Minister, Narendra Modi is increasing with each passing day.
He said the results of the Urban Local Body polls and the ongoing Panchayat elections are acting as “booster dose” for the party activists.
“Other political parties only looted the resources of the country whereas the Modi Government has led the nation on the path of growth and development. The love of the people for Modi is increasing day by day due to the pro-public approach of Government,” Dr Jitendra Singh said.