Expectations_2024 A resolution for Dogri

Rajeshwar Singh ‘Raju’
2023 has stepped into past.
2024 has knocked the planet earth. New Year is always full of hopes and aspirations. Every passing year inspires us to make resolutions for the coming year. Yes, we all, out of excitement packed with expectations go for it and decide that this time we will not distract from our resolutions and act with all discipline to ensure positive outcome. But, with the passage of time that enthusiasm starts fading away and we stick to same schedule like earlier and happening for so many years.
I think and believe also that whenever we make some resolution for New Year, we should be concerned for our cultural existence also. We have all the fundamental rights to do whatever we wish to but are under a moral obligation also for our responsibilities towards our cultural existence. Whatever we foresee to accomplish during New Year, our roots should get strengthened with our initiatives.
Let us welcome 2024 with all enthusiasm. Let us hope that expectations of our mother tongue’ Dogri’ to become a language of masses in real terms be met and all Dogras will ensure to speak in their mother tongue with fellow Dogras at least, parents will talk to their children and encourage them to use mother tongue Dogri while having conversations at home and with friends. Let us talk to a shopkeeper in our language while purchasing something and banker while availing banking services. Our cultural traditions should get relief from the shadow of other cultures and experience a sigh of relief thus foreseeing a better future prospects. Let us make our resolution that spreading humanity and love for all cultural heritages is appreciable, but being Dogras we are bound to preserve and promote our regional language. Our ‘ASTITVA’ i.e. existence is because of our mother tongue, culture and Heritage. Let us realize the basic truth and ensure that during 2024, we will get connected to our roots more firmly and play significant role in inspiring others for same. Our dedication and devotion will not be limited to words only but will get realized on ground also. Let New Year bring smile on all faces, success become the ultimate destination, dedication and devotion become an integral part of our character and a sense of belonging to ‘Self’ get an upper edge on all priorities. On a positive note, let us bless each other for a meaningful life in coming year.


What some prominent personalities say about Dogri

Prof. Lalit Magotra
President Dogri Sanstha, Jammu

“My first and foremost expectation is from the UT Government as well as the people of Duggar, and it concerns the well-being and survival of our dear language Dogri. I expect that the Government will implement a practical and robust plan to introduce and teach Dogri at the primary level of education in Jammu region, as envisaged in the New Education Policy (NEP) of the Government. Coupled with it is my expectation that the Dogras of this region will respond enthusiastically to this policy of Government by encouraging their wards to opt for Dogri in schools. If this expectation fructifies, it will boost the popularity of Dogri manifolds among the younger generation and will rejuvenate the hopes that Dogri will flourish as a vibrant language in future. My second expectation also concerns the promotion of Dogri. I expect that the authorities and people at the helm of affairs realize that one of the most practical ways to promote Dogri, is by making it compulsory, at all levels of recruitment in Jammu region, that the candidates MUST have passed at least one examination of Dogri Subject. This will link Dogri with employability and will also lend support to Government’s decision of making Dogri an official language, in practical terms. Having a full-fledged Dogri Television Channel is my other ardent desire.”

___ Padmashri Mohan Singh
Convener, Dogri Advisory Board, Sahitya
Akademi New Delhi

“I expect that parents will realize that until they speak with their children in mother tongue,Dogri will not get promoted in real terms.We have to realize the importance of preserving and promoting our language and cultural traditions at our homes at first. We should make Dogras aware of the benefits of New Education Policy and inspire our wards to seek education in own mother tongue.Mere slogans will not yield results but some concrete steps are the necessity of time to ensure ground work for desired success. I expect that all organizations and individuals will join hands whenever there is a common cause for language or cultural existence as it had happened during struggle for getting Dogri included in 8th schedule of Indian Constitution. As a convener, I wish to provide platforms to talent in remotest areas.”

_ Padmashri Balwant Thakur
Director Natrang

“As our country has entered the AmritKaal, this is the time of India. While we are set to take new departures in socio-economic development, I foresee a sea change in our approaches towards our art and culture. My biggest expectation in 2024 is to restore a sense of pride amongst masses about our belongings. Let our younger generations instead of looking at the western world try to look back and start recognising our own strengths by taking pride in our own languages, arts and culture. Let that sense prevail. Fact remains that whole world is looking at us, it’s the high time that we preserve and promote our intellectual and cultural supremacy.”



_Brij Mohan
Eminent Dogri Poet and Music Composer

“I expect that the dreams of all artists will get fulfilled. They need platforms to exhibit their potential. Let all the concerned organizations come ahead with a well-planned strategy to work for preservation and promotion of our regional language and music as a resolution for New Year. I also expect that the young artists will realize the importance of commitment packed with patience to enjoy success but at the same time the performers in any art field should keep this in mind that failures lead to ultimate success but only if lessons are derived from it. I expect 2024 as a golden year for artists’ fraternity because we have to be positive in life and the real mantra of success also lies in it.”

_Jagdish Singh Babli
President (DADAA) Doordarshan Approved Drama Artists Association.

“I expect that our long pending demand of Duggar Satellite Channel will be acceded that will fulfill the aspirations of Dogras. We have been fighting for our own regional channel with the sole purpose of saving our language and culture from extinction for many years now. There is dire need of channel that should provide a platform and financial assistance to our artists and others related to productions. The regional Dogri satellite channel will propagate Dogri language and Duggar Pradesh’s cultural traditions which is our existence.”