SRINAGAR: Over two months after Jammu and Kashmir came under the ambit of Goods and Service Tax (GST) regime, Minister for Finance, Dr Haseeb A Drabu today held a review meeting on Revenue Collection for 2017-18 and Projected Revenue for 2018-19.
The Minister was informed that under SGST, Expected Revenue (ER) Realization for 2018-19 has been set at Rs 6194 crores while Projected Revenue (PR) is Rs 7061.47 crores. For Liquor and ATF, ER has been set at Rs 407.14 crores while PR is Rs 463 crores.
“On Motor Spirit and Diesel Oil Tax, ER is Rs 1183.44 crores and PR is Rs 1350 crores. Passenger Tax ER is Rs 13.32 crores and PR is Rs 15 crore while ER on Stamps and Registration has been set at Rs 219.69 with PR of Rs 300 crore,” officials said.
Dr Drabu said although the new system of indirect taxation has shaken the system which will take some more time to stabilise, the Commercial Taxes Department must organise training programs and identify points for filing of tax returns for the ease of businesses. The Finance Minister directed the CT Department to constitute a couple of teams for Srinagar and Jammu to see how the GST regime is being implemented by traders in markets,
“A separate exercise must be run to calculate the cost of collection of taxes so that the Finance Department can allocate resources proportionately. It is time to reform our financing structure and ensure that the customers in J&K purchase goods at lowest price, yet the manufacturer doesn’t face losses,” Dr Drabu said.
The Finance Minister asked the CST Department to file a report on Benami licenses within one week and ensure that the PAN and other relevant information is seeded with the license holders. He directed the officials to stop the export of unfinished willow bats to outside states by misbranding without proper taxing system in place.
Officials said, in 2017-18, under Sales Tax/VAT (SGST from July 8, 2017), Revenue Target has been set as Rs 6384.91 crore while Revenue Realisation ending July 2017 was Rs 2284.92 crore. Expected Revenue Realisation from 08/2017 to ending 03/2018 is Rs 3909.36 crore while total Expected Revenue Realisation 2017-18 is Rs 6194.28 crore. Revenue realisation for 2016-17 was Rs 4662.15 crore.
For Liquor and ATF, Revenue Realisation ending July 2017 was Rs 188.46 crore with Expected Revenue Realisation from 08/2017 to ending 03/2018 at Rs 218.68 crore while Expected Revenue Realisation for 2017-18 is Rs 407.17 crores. Revenue realisation for 2016-17 was Rs 367.06 crore with Expected Growth of Rs 11 crores.
In 2017-18, Revenue Target for Motor Spirit and Diesel Oil Tax (MST) has been set as Rs 1100.09 crore while Revenue Realisation ending July 2017 was Rs 394.48 crore. Expected Revenue Realisation from 08/2017 to ending 03/2018 is Rs 788.96 while Expected Revenue Realisation for 2017-18 is Rs 1183.44 crore. Revenue Realisation on MST for 2016-17 was Rs 987.49 crores with expected growth of Rs 19.84 crores.
In 2017-18, Revenue Target for Passenger Tax has been set at Rs 15 crore while Revenue Realisation ending July 2017 was Rs 4.44 crore. Expected Revenue Realisation from 08/17 to ending 03/2018 is Rs 8.88 while Expected Revenue Realisation 2017-18 is Rs 13.32 crore. Revenue Realisation for 2016-17 was Rs 12.92 crores with expected growth of Rs 3.10 crores.
In 2017-18, Revenue Target for Stamps and Registration has been set at Rs 300 crore while Revenue Realisation ending July 2017 was Rs 73.23 crore. Expected Revenue Realisation from 08/2017 to ending 03/2018 is Rs 146.46 while Expected Revenue Realization for 2017-18 is Rs 219.69 crore. Revenue Realisation for 2016-17 was Rs 194.46 crores with Expected Growth of Rs 12.97 crore.
Total Revenue Target has been set at Rs 7800 crore for 2017-18 while Revenue Realisation ending July 2017 was Rs 2945.53 crore. Expected Revenue Realisation from 08/17 to ending 03/2018 is Rs 5072.34 while Expected Revenue Realisation for 2017-18 is Rs 8017.17 crore. Revenue Realisation for 2016-17 was Rs 6224.08 crores.
For 2016-17, Revised Target for Sales Tax/VAT was set at Rs 6550 crores with Revenue Realisation of Rs 6224.08 crores. Revenue Realisation for 2015-16 of Rs 5515.96 crores.
In 2016-17, Revenue Collection by Excise Department was Rs 57033.68 lakhs, Toll of 73131.65 lakhs and Entertainment Duty of Rs 590.10 lakhs with total Excise of Rs 130755.43 lakhs
The target of Excise Department for 2017-18 is 62000 lakhs with achievement of Rs 23550.87 lakhs. For Toll, a target of Rs 91000 lakhs has been set with Rs 34747.56 realised while Entertainment Duty target is Rs 500 lakhs of which 225.61 has been realised. Total target has been set at Rs 153500 lakhs with Rs 58524.04 achieved (38.13%). The proposed Excise Revenue Targets for Rs 2018-19 is Rs 160500 lakhs.