Expedite Regular Departmental Actions

Delinquent and law and procedures breaking officials must feel the heat of the action of the law in respect of their acts of omissions and commissions done wilfully and any delay in conducting departmental actions was not only providing to them undeserved breathers but were setting bad precedent for others to get ‘infected’ with the urge to commit wrong. The prosecution agencies, as such, must receive requisite inputs from the concerned departments on regular basis and speedily too.
Why should not these enquiries be concluded well before the deadline of three months as we feel that is too long a period granted for conducting and concluding the required enquiries and when even three months time is not utilised for the sensitive job in most of the departments , it could be construed to be wilful and for “saving” the accused. Investigating agencies like the Anti -Corruption Bureau, Crime Branch and others after recommending sanctioning of prosecution or departmental enquiries, they do it after cogent and solid grounds established by them in such cases depending upon the facts of the case , the entire exercise and the purpose thereof get defeated when departmental actions are not taken unless enough “dust is allowed to settle” on these cases to render them terribly weak.