Expedite regularization of daily rated workers: NMC

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Mar 19: National Mazdoor Conference (NMC) leader   Subash Shastri today appealed to the Chief Secretary who is heading the empowered committee constituted by Governor N N Vohra to expedite the process of regularization of 61,000 daily rated workers, to submit its reports on this issue at the earliest.
While addressing a well attended NMC meeting at Gandhi Nagar,  Shastri hoped that the committee will come with the final recommendations well before its stipulated time.  He  expressed satisfaction over the fact that the committee constituted has members whose integrity is beyond doubt and have exemplary track record of public service.
Shastri further hoped that the issue gathering dust since 1994 will be solved during present Governor’s administration considering the importance and genuineness of the issue. While pleading the cause of daily rated workers he demanded that till the issue of regularization is resolved, the daily rated workers should be paid, out of a regular wage head, for which specific provisions may be kept in the budget beginning with current financial year.
The NMC leader also stressed upon the administration to minimize the occupational hazards faced by daily rated workers who are exposed to danger without necessary safeguard protocols. Several resolutions were adopted in the  meeting.
Prominent among others present on the occasion included RB Khajuria, BS Jamwal, SK Kochhar, Sat Paul,  Bhopinder Singh, Mohan Lal and Darshan Bawa.