Expert Panel to visit Srinagar Hospitals : DB

Excelsior Correspondent
Srinagar, July 1: The High Court has expected that the committee constituted by it would visit the Srinagar Hospitals to examine the infrastructure, equipment, experts and human resource available there and submit its report before the court.
The Division Bench of Chief Justice Pankaj Mithal and Justice Sanjay Dhar hoped that the committee constituted would visit the Srinagar Hospitals and check the availability of infrastructure, equipment, experts and human resource and report to the court within two months.
The Government counsel submitted before the bench that the report regarding the medical facilities at Jammu and Srinagar could not be submitted because on account of COVID-19 pandemic, the Committee was not in a position to visit Srinagar. “In view of the above, we expect the committee to visit Srinagar and to submit the complete report within two months”, read the order.
Previously the court had constituted a Committee of Experts who will visit the Hospitals to examine the infrastructure, equipment, experts and human resource available and submit a report to the Court to proceed further in the manner so that best infrastructure is created.
It was shared at the time of hearing that for treatment of many of the diseases, sometimes quite elementary, patients have to travel towards Ludhiana, Chandigarh, Delhi or other places. “We should try to create the facilities where the patients should come in this direction. It will not be out of place to add here that a few early hours in a Trauma case are quite crucial. In case proper medical aid is not provided, results can be disastrous”, the Court had said.
For Jammu Division the committee was constituted consisting Dr. Yogesh Chawla, Retired Director PGIMER, Chandigarh, Dr. Ravi Gupta, Medical Superintendent Govt. Medical College and Hospital, Sector 32, Chandigarh, Dr. H. L. Goswami, Retired Principal, Govt. Medical College, Jammu, Dr. Rattan P Kudyar, Retired Associate Professor, (Endocrinologist), Govt. Medical College, Jammu , Director, Health Services, Jammu and Principal, Government Medical College, Jammu
For Kashmir Division the committee constituted was Dr. Yogesh Chawla, Retired Director PGIMER, Chandigarh, Dr. Ravi Gupta, Medical Superintendent Govt. Medical College and Hospital Sector 32, Chandigarh , Dr. Kaisar Ahmed, Ex. Principal Government Medical College, Srinagar , Dr. Showket Zargar, Retired Director, Sher-i-Kashmir Institute of Medical Sciences (SKIMS) , Director, Health Services, Srinagar and Principal, Government Medical College, Srinagar.
Both the Committees are headed by Dr. Yogesh Chawla, Retired Director PGIMER, Chandigarh and both the Directors Health Services, Viz Jammu and Kashmir, respectively have to coordinate and work as the Member Secretary of the Committee.
Court directed that the members of the committees shall be paid honorarium in terms of the guidelines issued by the Medical Council of India for inspections including all kinds of facilities shall be provided by the Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir to them.
They need to examine the current facilities available with regard to infrastructure, human resource and equipment in various faculties- departments and wherever improvement is required recommendations be made by both the committees.
All concerned in the respective hospitals are under direction to render all possible help and furnish the members of the Committee correct data, so as to enable the members of the Committee to furnish proper reports to the court in order to improve the facilities to serve humanity.
As the Director Health Services, Jammu and the Director Health Services, Kashmir are conveners of the meeting they were asked to take steps to ensure that e-meetings are conducted by video conferencing in view of COVID-19 pandemic.