Exploring job market

This has reference to the news item ‘Speed up efforts for overseas jobs to J&K youth’ DE Sept 10.
Due to growth of population and lack of job avenues in the State, it is necessary that the Government starts exploring means of livelihood for the unemployed youth. The Government on  its own can’t absorb such a big number in Government jobs though there are numerous vacancies unfulfilled in various departments. Besides, the State does not enjoy a flourishing industry in the State which could absorb skilled and non-skilled work force. In such circumstances it is necessary that the Government finds a way out to provide jobs to the youths lest it becomes a problem of gigantic proportions and can’t be handled later on. Here it is emphasised that the Government should provide quality education and training to students to enable them complete with those who are already fit for the job.  It is an onerous task and needs efficient planning and a big vision. Since the Government has at its disposal numerous means to meet the challenge, these have to be effectively harnessed.
Yours etc……
Vikas Padha, Kathua