Expression of regret by Britain will help bring closure to Jallianwala Bagh massacre: Hardeep Puri

HYDERABAD: Union Minister Hardeep Singh Puri said some expression of regret by Britain would help bring closure to the Jallianwala Bagh massacre, whose centenary falls this week.

He, however, said he was only expressing personal views.

The massacre was a turning point in the country’s freedom movement, Puri said when asked to comment on the ongoing debate that Britain should offer an apology for the incident that took place on April 13, 1919.

The Minister of State for Housing and Urban Affairs also said his maternal grandfather was present at the scene and was injured.

“Some person with a machine gun and people with machine guns trained their guns on innocent people who had gathered there. It showed up the real character of British colonialism and the colonial rule,” Puri told reporters. (AGENCIES)