Extend 10 pc reservation benefits to general category of State: BJP

BJP leaders at a press conference at Jammu on Wednesday. —Excelsior/Rakesh
BJP leaders at a press conference at Jammu on Wednesday. —Excelsior/Rakesh

Article 370 core issue for us: Raina
Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Jan 9:Terming Article 370 a core issue for BJP, State president of the Party, Ravinder Raina today said that this is the greatest hurdle in implementation of good central laws in the State enacted by Indian Parliament from time to time.
Talking to reporters here, along with former Deputy CM and senior BJP leader, Kavinder Gupta, former Minister and party spokesperson of the State, Priya Sethi and BJP district president, Jammu rural, Omi Khajuria, Raina demanded that 10 percent reservations benefits be extended to poor people of general category in J&K State also.
He said it is unfortunate that the law can’t apply the State like the other states of the country because of Barriers created by Article 370 and his party strongly favours its abrogation.
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While welcoming the passage of Bill of 10% reservation to poor among the upper castes, Raina said that the Prime Minister, Narendra Modi has fulfilled his promise to empower every neglected section of the society.
BJP State president, said that the step will give a sigh of relief to the crores of families living below poverty line and not having access to the good education and other amenities.
He said that for the very first time any such consideration has been given to the economically poor families in general category in the last seven decades and that too by the dispensation under Modi. PM has addressed age old demand of crores of people; Raina said and added that this step is welcomed by one and all.
He stressed that this quota of 10% will be in addition to the existing quota, hence will not be having any negative impact on the existing quota of reservation being given to other reserved sections.
Asserting that soon the bill will take form of law, giving benefit to the people belonging to lower economic strata across all the states of India, Raina appealed to the Centre Government along with President of India and Governor of J&K State to extend the benefit to the residents of J&K State as soon as possible so that the common man living in this part of State could also be benefitted by the landmark decision.
He urged to the President of India to extend the benefit of 10 per cent reservation to the persons belonging to poor among the general category people living in J&K, in view of the fact that the act will not be directly implemented in the State due to the existence of Article 370.
He also took opposition parties to task for levelling baseless charges on BJP and coming out with oft repeated statements that party ruined the State. He reminded them the development projects launched by the BJP led Government in the State which Congress NC failed to do in their 65 years of rule.
He also lambasted the statement of former CM, Omar Abdullah on killing of terrorists and reminded him that during last 30 years since that many terrorism gripped the Kashmir NC ruled the State for major portion. Besides, Abdullah family ruled the State for 30 years after independence and they did not show any concern for the one lakh innocent people killed by terrorists over the years and instead Omar Abdullah and his party is showing solidarity with separatists and terrorists.