Facing brunt of water, power crisis; Kalakote voters may go for change

Gopal Sharma
rachpal singh copyFacing severe scarcity of water and electricity, problem of poor health infrastructure and shortage of Medical staff, lack of good road communication besides irregular and inadequate supply of ration in many areas, the people from Kalakote constituency of district Rajouri may opt for a change this time.
Though the local legislator, Rachhpal Singh from National Conference, who is representing this constituency for the second consecutive term, claimed to have come up to the expectations of the people and executed nearly 70 % of the public works, yet the people rated his works and performance very low. The Excelsior team which had an extensive tour of this constituency and interacted with the cross section of people, received the detailed feed- back and real picture of  this constituency. The people freely exchanged their views  over their sufferings  and hardships and also expressed their resentment against their representative in certain pockets.
Kalakote is mostly hilly and the largest constituency in area of Rajouri district having 62 Panchayats and 80,084 electors. Out of the total,  42,707 are males whereas,  37,377 females. During 2008 elections, Rachhpal Singh from National Conference remained winner and had secured 25,317 votes. His vote share was 45.6 %. Ashok Kumar, an ex-MLA  (as Ind) remained at number two position with 13,894 votes and his vote share was 25 %. PDP candidate Abdul Khaliq remained at 3rd position with 7,742 votes, BSP’s Raj Kumar at 4th  place with 3851 votes while BJP’s Bharat Bhushan Vaid at number five position with just 1423 votes. During 1996 elections, Ashok Sharma from Congress won Kalakote Assembly seat while in 2002 and 2008 elections, Rashpal Singh (NC) emerged as winner.
Simmering discontent among majority of the people against the local MLA for not taking due care of their burning issues, not visiting them frequently and  his failure to address issues like water scarcity, poor infrastructure and inadequate power supply and poor health care facilities. Not only this, the people complained that many Middle and High Schools besides Higher Secondary  Schools were facing shortage of staff and the education of their children was badly hit. They also alleged poor execution of RGGVY, NAREGA, PMGSY schemes and maintained that there was no proper monitoring  by the concerned senior officers or the people in the district Administration or the MLA concerned.
At Hathal Panchayat in Saleri area near Taryath, one Gouri Dutt alleged that worst was the condition of this road. People were badly suffering for want of drinking water. For the last over ten years, the people of this area had only been demanding a bridge at Saleri nallah and water supply scheme, but even after ten years, these problems remained unresolved. When asked whether the locals took up the issue with MLA, Mr Dutt said he was seen during last elections only and he had made commitment but since then he hardly visited the people of this Panchayat which has nearly 800 voters.  In some parts of Saleri area PHE  pipes were laid some years back. The fate of water supply is not yet known. Even pipes were withdrawn later  by the department for the reason best known to them.
At small town of Taryath, the people are generally not happy with their representative and the administration. Majority of the people alleged that condition of road and lanes is worst. There is no street light, drains in the town. Now GREF has taken up work on Reasi- Taryath-Kalakote-Rajouri  road but condition of other link roads is worst. The CHC Taryath could not be upgraded since long. There is shortage of staff in local hospital. Such is the height of slackness on the part of concerned Medical staff, BMO/ CMO Rajouri that only Ambulance provided in this CHC about six years back, could not be got registered  with the Regional Transport authorities. This vehicle is plying without number plate. There are only two doctors here who come by turn and no Gynecologist is in place in this hospital. In case of delivery, the patients are either shifted to Kalakote or Sunderbani hospitals.
A local of the area Pt Om Parkash disclosed that water, power, poor health facilities besides worst condition of road in the main Bazar of the town and road leading to Thandapani are the major issues. Even electric poles have broken at many places and they are not replaced. Frequent and longer power cuts have made the life of people miserable. This Government is unable to provide basic facilities to the people. He also cursed his MLA for the miseries of the public and expressed that people of this area have decided to go for a change in next elections. When asked if not Rachhpal Singh, who could be the better choice among others who can better nurture this constituency, Mr Prakash and Sanjay Kumar another villager said at least PDP leader  Abdul Ghani Kohli and even ex-MLA Ashok Kumar pay visit to this area. They have not seen the MLA since long.  He may be visiting Kalakote or his home village Sailsui most often. A beautiful Dak Banglow has also been raised at that village, at the cost of public exchequer, mainly for the personal use.   Another villager Anil Kumar said during last Parliamentary elections, most of the votes went to BJP from this area but now the people have decided to elect a person who visits them frequently and is committed to resolve their burning issues. He said majority of the people complain here that the MLA is hardly accessible. Even Ashok Sharma (Cong)  remained missing since long but for the last few years, he has started working in the area and hold meetings.
One Bodh Raj from Simbal Galla area alleged severe shortage of drinking water. He said the road from Kenchi Morh to the village is in worst condition and remained incomplete. There is shortage of staff at local Govt Middle School, power supply to many hamlets is not provided. Poles have not been erected and potable water is the main issue which remained unresolved till today.
Even at Mogla, Tredu and parts of  Khwas, the similar problems were projected by the public. One Kartar Singh ex-serviceman had good impression about the MLA but he maintained that power supply is problem every where. He said some times the MLA visits the area and he has played good role in the revival of local Mogla mines.  Many locals of the area have got job with the operation of Mogla mines.
Puran Singh Laberdar, pointed out that water and power are the two major issues which remained unresolved in last ten years by their MLA. Many areas have no road connectivity. Long power cuts have made their life miserable. No better facilities are available in the local Primary Health Centre at Mogla.  One Bansi Lal from Kalera disclosed that there was no road to his area. Once work on tractor road was  executed but it was abandoned and the road could not be completed till today. This is hardly 5 kms road stretch. Master Beli Ram from Manoa disclosed that there is no water supply scheme in the area. No water tankies were ever seen or alternative water supply ensured to the public. There are no electricity poles and it has been made known to the public that the area is being covered under RGGVY scheme by the PDD. The schemes seems to be in papers only. Again, in nearby Kheon and Baryari  villages, there is no electricity and water supply. Even the kerosene oil is not available in this remote area, he maintained.
When asked if the people are denied essential supply by their MLA or Government, should they vote for him or for the same regime again, Rakesh Kumar, a Panch from Treru Panchayat-B, of  Khwas area said there is no water supply and no road to his village. The only Govt Middle School at the village since 1978 could not be upgraded. Only two teachers are there in the school and one of them is attached to ZEO office. For 145 children there is only one teacher. Ration is not  supplied by CAPD to the area for months together. For the last three months, the people of these adjoining five Panchayats have not received ration and especially the sugar quota. There seems to be no governance at all. He pointed out that there are about 5200 voters in this pocket of Khwas. Most of them are not happy with the delivery of service. Then why the people of this area, will vote for the same candidate again.
One Kewel Krishan from Mogla said that Mogla coal mines have great potential. About 800 locals are working in the two mines here. About 7-8 trucks of coal is being produced from these mines. If the Government takes necessary measures, extraction work can be multiplied and large number of people of Kalakote area could get job opportunities. Even at Metka mines, there is good potential. The coal mine workers are getting just Rs 150 wage per day while earlier they were being provided just Rs 67.  He also alleged that farmers are not provided adequate seeds and fertilizers and this is the problem in the entire belt.
Whether it is Solaki or Siot, Lamberi, Potha, Godhar, Saranoo, Dangri or  Kalakote town, the problems of the people are mostly common. They pointed out that Kalakote power receiving station needs immediate upgradation. It could not be upgraded despite long agitation last year. Many water supply schemes are lying defunct. It has been noticed that in functional water supply schemes, the figures of water capacity projected by the PHE Department are not correct. At some places, the sources have dried up and the schemes turned defunct. There is urgent need to provide tanker supply but the people mostly are left high and dry. The hand pumps provided at selective places are not sufficient to meet the demand. Water and power both the are interlinked. But the public also alleges that if a transformer get damaged it takes at least 15 days to one month for the replacement/ repair. There is no body to listen to their miseries.
In Kalakote town also the local public is not happy with the Municipal Committee authorities and the delivery of service by the PHE, PDD, CAPD and the RDD officials concerned. Even in the local college and schools, the staff is inadequate. They allege that functioning of MCK is very poor. Over loading in the vehicles on link roads and even at main road goes unchecked. Ration supply is very poor and power curtailment is unabated. One Sushil Bakshi projected that BJP remained on the top during recently held Lok Sabha elections. This time resentment among the public is more against the sitting MLA and either PDP or Congress could be able to manage the assembly seat. He disclosed that BJP doesn’t have  impressive candidate and if Ashok Sharma contests on BJP mandate, he is capable of grabbing this seat. PDP has also good scope but people have definitely made up their mind for a change this time.  Another local Babu Ram said there is always shortage of ration and kerosene oil. Condition of road and lanes and drains is not good. There is no proper cleanliness in the town. There is urgent need to upgrade local Bus Stand or shift it to an open suitable area. College building is needed to be raised at war footing and adequate staff is required in the Degree college as well as in the schools of the area. The local Hospital is also needed to be upgraded  and equipped with machines and  adequate medical staff.
Mohd Sharief from Godhar said for water supply in the area some tankies were constructed by RDD some years back, but all of them have developed cracks. They were never provided water connection and the so called water supply is yet to be maintained  in the area. He said the people have to fetch water from far off places. Many hamlets in this pocket are without power. One Narottam Lal from this area said villagers had worked under NREGA on many local roads but they are without wages for the last 8- 10 months. He alleged that no doubt local  MLA has started work on many local roads but  many of them have remained incomplete. The contract also goes to his own brothers who turned contractors. They are working more for themselves than the public.  One Ravi Kumar  and Pintoo at Dangri also  projected the major issue of water shortage. They said the condition is again same which was five years back. There seems to be no improvement in any sector. Shafi Khan at  Saranoo said water problem is there but water hand pumps have been provided at several places which provided a little relief.
MLA Kalakote Rachhpal Singh however, claimed that he is representing this constituency for the last two terms. The people have reposed faith in his leadership and  ensured his win with great margin in 2008. Expressing satisfaction in the works being executed in the area, Mr Singh said out of the total works taken up in his constituency, he managed to accomplish 70 % of the works so far in last five years. Remaining thirty percent, he intends to complete in next term if the people ensure his victory again. Mr Singh claimed that in 43 Panchayats out of 62, he managed to get new water supply schemes. Tube wells and Bore wells were also created at some places. Over 300 hand pumps have been provided to the people of this constituency.
Responding to a question regarding general public complaint of being inaccessible, he claimed that about 20 days of a month, he spends in his constituency and he never made false commitments with the people. ” I am performing as per my capacity and will go on working in the same manner. The people brought me from Jammu as I was doing good business there. They requested me to contest elections and then I jumped into the fray,” Mr Singh maintained.
He claimed that many roads were completed in the area in last ten years under PMGSY, Mogla and Metka mines were also revived with his efforts. The mines workers were denied wages earlier but now they are getting regular payments which stood increased. Mr Singh further claimed that water, power and road connectivity would be his top priority for his people.  He also claimed to have got 12 schools upgraded as High Schools and half a dozen as Higher Secondary Schools in last ten years.