Falling Education standard in Govt. Schools

The falling standard of education in Government Schools has become an annual feature.The lament gets louder directly after declaration of 10th class result in Kashmir Valley.The pass percentage as against 100 percent in most of the private school is zero percent in many state run schools and as regards merit these stand nowhere. In Govt.schools negligible percentage of students go for higher studies and a good number start to drop out much before reaching 10th class .For achieving 100 percent education in the State the Govt. after considering various parameters established schools all over the state. The focus mainly was to promote education in remote and socially backward areas. The fall in enrolment in these schools was as a reason for merging them with other schools. But did that serve the purpose? It is an admitted fact that the Govt. run schools mostly have highly qualified and trained teachers. Nevertheless something somewhere has gone wrong with our educational policy. It can’t be denied that most of students in the schools having no chairs and desks are made to sit on the floor. Seven percent of the schools are without electricity and thousands of schools are without toilets and lack of these facilities cannot be the primary cause for the falling standard in education in these schools. Last but not the least instead of taking some adhoc step the Govt. should appoint a committee of experts to look into the problem.
Mool Raj
Bhagota (Panjsoo)