Falling standard of education

There is a Chinese saying which goes as “if you want to go one year ahead, plant rice, if you want to go ten years ahead, plant trees, if you want to go hundred years ahead, educate people.” This saying underscores the importance of education. But education should be imparted in such a way that does not only lay stress on academic side but builds national character  among the students from the beginning. Our country India spends a huge amount of funds on education through different schemes such as Ramsa and SSA. The OBCs are encouraged under PMs education programmes including scholarships for higher studies. Recently the Govt. has passed legislation pertaining to RTE through which schools have to reserve some of the seats for poor students.
The mid day meal scheme launched by the Govt. is a revolutionary step for encouraging students below poverty line and these measures have shown considerable progress in the field of education. However, one may say with dismay that inspite of all these measures the standard of education is not upto the mark as compared to other Nations. Although there are a number of schools, colleges, IITs universities etc but the standard of education is not upto the mark as some of these institutions are only concerned with producing millions of educated youth without any type of guaraneed employment. The problem with Indian system of education is that  there is no concrete policy to employ youth who feel frustrated even after occupying professional degrees.
The role of Govt. is not only to educate youth but to ponder about their employment. This is the high time to involve committees from professions who can plan the future employment programmers for the educated youth. Although unemployment is a global problem, India being over populated has to face this brunt the most. Prominent industrialists should be involved to provide employment for the youth. Let us all hope that educated youths build the nation and lead our country towards progress and prosperity.
Yours etc…
D.N. Raina,
Upper Muthi,