False pride

Only four months ago, BJP had registered a landmark victory in the parliamentary elections.  Of the total 543 Lok Sabha seats contested, the party by itself had won 282, ten more than it required for an absolute majority, giving Narendra Modi good reason to boast that his party would rule the country for the next ten years. But going by the September 2014 assembly by-elections in Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan and even Modi’s home state Gujarat, future does not look as rosy for BJP. It is amazing how fast an acquired grandeur loses its sheen at the first touch of realty.
‘Indeed, son,’ quipped Kaga Bhushundiji. ‘What gave BJP a taste of defeat was the false pride of some of its netas.’
‘Kagaji, don’t be obscure.  Say clearly what you want to say.’
‘Okay.  Remember that in the last general elections janata had voted for Modiji’s vision of nai soch, nai umeed – fresh thinking and a new hope. He gave assurance of promoting five T’s – Talent, Trade, Tradition, Tourism and Technology by working on a rainbow principle of our culture, youth power, women empowerment, agriculture, natural resources, democracy and knowledge. His eight point model for heralding an era of sab ka vikas, sub ke sath would be to give every state its own IIT and IIM, strive for empowerment of women and children, build up infrastructure and raise 100 smart cities, improve country-wide connectivity through satellite cities, inter-linking rivers and a golden quadrilateral of bullet trains, curb inflation and control price rise, bring in agricultural reforms, ensure universal health care, address regional aspiration to strengthen the federal structure and bring back black money from abroad.’
‘Kagaji, parroting BJP’s manifesto won’t do:  you stick to your point.’
‘The point is this:  Modiji promised – and is working for – the country’s inclusive growth.  ‘Sab ka’ was – and is – his mool mantra.  But quite a few of his netas are making it ‘hum aur hamara.’ ‘Hindutva’ is losing its geographic connotations, its meaning being restricted to what the narrow-minded people think exclusively of ‘Hinduism’, ignoring that there are 15-18 crore Bharatiya Muslims, not to say other minorities as well.  How can you achieve anything meaningful without the active participation of non-Hindus?’
‘But, Kagaji, isn’t it the Hindu majority that has brought BJP to power?’
‘No. It’s Modiji’s vision that has brought BJP to power.  Political parties are not meant to thrive on this religion or that.  Those who think BJP is a ‘Hindu’ party – and by extension, its rule, a Hindu rule – misguide people.  Out of false pride, they impair the Prime Minister’s objectives in the same manner as weeds do a crop. And in their fatuous attempt to sway the youth, they end up insulting them.’
‘That is news to me.  Hindu leaders insulting Hindu youth? But how?’
‘You must have heard this talk of ‘love-jihad’.  Arrey, are your girls so gullible that hordes of them would fall for Muslims to add to their numbers, in preference to eligible boys from their own community?  Nothing could be more derogatory to your young women – and men – for that matter.’
‘But what is wrong in taking pride in one’s religion, Kagaji?’
‘There is nothing wrong if you are a proud ‘Hindu’ or a proud follower of any other religion. Problems arise the moment you become arrogant just because you subscribe to a particular faith and forget that the other person may also be equally proud of hers.  Religion is a personal matter and that it should remain.  Why not be proud instead of your motherland?  No other country in the region has maintained democratic values in spite of all the odds of poverty and corruption it faces.  None other than Bharat has demonstrated the genius to put a satellite in Mangal’s orbit in the very first attempt.  And it is Bharat again that has given everyone the mantra of co-existence and synergy:


Kaga Bhushundi SpeakEth
Suman K Sharma
Aum saha navavatu saha nau bhunaktu/saha veeryam karvaahai/  tejasvi navadhitam astu nau vidvishamahe…
May we be protected together/May we be nourished together/May we create strength among one another/May our study be filled with brilliance and light/May there be no hostility between us….