Farooq Andrabi visits Dooru constituency

ANANTNAG: Minister of State Haj & Auqaf, Syed Farooq Ahmad Andrabi today chaired a meeting at Town Hall Dooru to review the pace of works on various developmental projects in the area and also inspected arrangements made for the current month of Ramadan.

The Minister directed all the officers of PDD, PHE, Food, Health and other essential services departments to keep better facilities for the people during the current month of Ramadan.

The Minister was informed that Food, Civil Supplies and Consumer Affairs department has already stocked 2000 Qtls of rice in Dooru and 2700 Qtls of rice in Verinag circle out of which the major portion has been disturbed among the people. It was also revealed that the Social Welfare department has provided marriage assistance in favour of 48 beneficiaries and sanctioned 127 cases for which the assistance will be provided during this year. Similarly, under ASRA Scheme, 653 cases have been sanctioned in the constituency.

          The Xen R&B informed the meeting that two bridges at an estimated cost of Rs.12 Crores will be constructed for which tenders have already been received. In addition to it, a bridge at Rain Chowgund at an estimated cost of Rs.9.50 Cr. will be also constructed soon. He was also informed that macadamization work is under progress on Larkipora and other roads road.

          The Executive Officer (EO) town area committee Dooru and Verinag informed the Minister that out of 547 street lights, 505 lights have been made functional. The market checking is being conducted on weekly basis and a fine of Rs.2000 has been recovered from the erring shopkeepers. The committee has also undertaken a special cleaning drive of mosques and shrines.

          The Minister stressed upon the officers and Engineers to fulfill their responsibilities in providing basic needs to the people. He also appealed the public to strive for maintaining peace so that developmental process is expedited which was badly affected during last year.

The meeting was attended by CEO VDA, SDM Dooru, Tehsildar Dooru, Verinag, Exens of PHE, R&B, PMGSY, PDD and District Sector officers from Handicrafts, Handloom, NRLM, of Education, Health, Food and other concerned departments.