Farooq’s threats to PDP expose his fascist mindset: Baig

Excelsior Correspondent
SRINAGAR, Apr 19: Senior People’s Democratic Party (PDP) leader Muzaffar Hussain Baig today alleged that Dr Farooq Abdullah wants to eliminate PDP with bullets but his party believes in democratic means and would defeat the NC through ballot.
Addressing well attended public meetings in Drugmulla and Dardpora in Kupwara of Baramulla Parliamentary constituency today, he said Dr Abdullah has turned this Lok Sabha election into a fight between fascism and democracy.  “Farooq Abdullah’s threat to use bombs and bullets to teach PDP a lesson” betray his fascist mind which has always guided NC politics,” he said.
“The NC from the very beginning has been intolerant of opposition and always used foul methods to dominate their opponents but PDP is proving a hard nut for them to crack,” said Baig. He said having been unable to fight the PDP politically Dr Farooq has come down to real level of his party to browbeat our party which again is an impossible mission for him.
Baig said NC has throughout its history misled Kashmir on every crucial occasion and stabbed the people who followed them in their back. “That is why while entire South Asia has resolved its problems after independence but Kashmir continues to face instability, death and destruction, he added.
He said the development agenda for Kupwara, has remained unchanged for the last half century or more, because of failure of the NC to deliver. He said huge money allocated for the projects in Kupwara have clearly been misappropriated. “This money has straight away gone into the pockets of the ruling party leaders and their agents.
Baig said PDP during its brief tenure in the Government played a pivotal role in getting India and Pakistan close to each other and solid progress was visible on making Kashmir a bridge between the two neighbors. But that whole process was reversed with the arrival of the present Government.
“Omar Abdullah has declared war with every section of the society especially the youth, and it is now up to the people to think and make sure that the insensitive and inept rulers are shown the door,” he said.