Faulty drainage system

State administration came under severe criticism on account of collapsing condition of drainage system in both the capital cities. A cross section of MLAs raised their voice on the negligence of the municipal and other authorities in the maintenance of drainage system in the twin cities. Recent rains lasting just an hour had inundated parts of the city of Jammu just because the choked drains could not support down flow of rain water. As a result water flowed into many residential houses causing them damage.
It is a matter of much concern that the drains get choked owing to non clearance and people throwing refuse into the drains and causing blockade to the flow of water. While there is the need of streamlining the drainage system in both cities, it is also important that people are educated not to throw litter and waste into the drains as blocked drains would cause harm to their houses and structures. The Minister in charge Housing and Urban Development said that department was conscious of the damage which blocked drains are liable to cause and as such the Government was already seized of the matter and necessary steps were taken to improve the entire drainage system in the twin cities. She, however, said that Sewage Treatment Plant (STPs) in both Jammu and Srinagar were still incomplete. Regular de-silting was done, but till the time STPs in the twin capital cities become functional, the problem of water-logging in some parts of the twin cities would continue.