FC Finance on long leave, FD releases Capex funds

Sources say Mehta approved order before leaving

Only new works to get funding

Sanjeev Pargal

JAMMU, Jan 29: Five days after Financial Commissioner (Finance Department) Dr Arun Kumar Mehta proceeded on long leave, the Finance Department today issued an order authorizing release of 50 per cent funds under District Capital Expenditure (CAPEX) of approved Balance Expenditure 2020-21 for new developmental works.
Official sources, however, told the Excelsior that Dr Mehta had approved release of funds before proceeding on leave and, therefore, the Finance Department order has been issued on his name.
As reported exclusively by Excelsior, Dr Mehta, a senior bureaucrat in the rank of Secretary to the Government of India, had proceeded on long leave five days back at a time when the Union Territory Government is busy in giving final touch to annual budget for the financial year of 2021-22.
Budget session began today with the Address of President Ram Nath Kovind to both Houses of the Parliament. Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman will present Union budget in the Parliament on February 1. Budget of Jammu and Kashmir is also scheduled to be presented during the budget session in the absence of Legislature in the Union Territory due to delay in conduct of the Assembly elections.
The Finance Department order issued by Dr Mehta has approved release of 50 percent funds under District Capex out of approved Balance Expenditure 2020-21for new works subject to the condition that the District Development Commissioners/Controlling Officers/Accounts Officers will further release funds to executing/spending agencies on respect of only such new works which have been identified for completion preferably during the current financial year of 2020-21 or by next financial year of 2021-22.
“The work-wise/activity-wise releases shall be made through Budget, Estimation, Allocation and Monitoring System (BEMAS) and the District Development Commissioners shall review the progress of completion/expenditure on fortnightly bases,” the Finance Department order said.
It directed that the main focus should be on outcome and each new work taken up for execution should be fully verified and should conform to the laid down procedures like according of administrative approval, technical sanction, e-tendering, furnishing of geo-tagged photographs of projects etc.
As per the Government order, the utilization of funds released in respect of new works shall be further subject to the conditions which have already been laid in respect of “ongoing works” and “non-constructions” activities released by the Finance Department in first week of this month.
“The DDCs/Controlling Officers/AOs, before authorizing funds through BEAMS will ensure that the ongoing works and non-construction activity has been initiated after following due e-tendering procedures,” sources said and added that in no case the funds will be released to clear any past liability and the same, if any, shall be referred to the Finance Department for appropriate action.
The Finance Department has already directed the Treasury Officers to ensure that all codal formalities have been fulfilled and all documents like e-tendering etc are in place while entertaining the bills through the ‘JKPaySys’.
Execution of works will be taken up strictly for approved activities only within the approved cost and no liability will be created ensuring financial discipline in the system. The DDC/Controlling Officer will be personally responsible for any liability created on account of un-approved/un-authorized works.
All works/schemes must be supported with technically vetted Detailed Project Reports (DPRs) and prepared by executing agencies in close consultation with the user agency.
The projects/ schemes shall be executed and completed strictly within the timeline as stipulated in the tender document and as fixed by the Competent Authority.
The departments shall ensure that the expenditure against the authorized funds, are made in stipulated timeframe.
The Finance Department has asked the executing agencies to comply with standing guidelines/ instructions on lockdown measures in the UT of J&K.